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More Gagarin Goodness…

Earli­er today I noticed the Google Doodle point­ing to resources about Yuri Gagar­in’s (and man­kind’s) first orbit of the Earth. A few moments ago @mynameiskate poin­ted me at the You­Tube logo — mod­i­fied too — and links to First Orbit a free fea­ture-length movie about Gagar­in’s flight: A real time recre­ation of Yuri Gagar­in’s pion­eer­ing…


Earli­er today I noticed the Google Doodle point­ing to resources about Yuri Gagar­in’s (and man­kind’s) first orbit of the Earth.

A few moments ago @mynameiskate poin­ted me at the You­Tube logo — mod­i­fied too — and links to First Orbit a free fea­ture-length movie about Gagar­in’s flight:

A real time recre­ation of Yuri Gagar­in’s pion­eer­ing first orbit, shot entirely in space from on board the Inter­na­tion­al Space Sta­tion. The film com­bines this new foot­age with Gagar­in’s ori­gin­al mis­sion audio and a new music­al score by com­poser Philip Sheppard. 

Here’s a great writeup of the First Orbit pro­ject at Nation­al Geo­graph­ic:

Pos­ted on You­Tube at mid­night GMT on April 12, the roughly 108-minute film blends a few 1960s his­tor­ic reels with mod­ern shots taken from the Inter­na­tion­al Space Sta­tion (ISS) by Itali­an astro­naut Paolo Nespoli. His video not only retraces Gagar­in’s view from orbit, it shows Earth bathed in sun­light at the same angle the cos­mo­naut would have seen dur­ing his 1961 flight.

I guess I know what I’m doing this even­ing, stream­ing this video in HD through my Apple TV 🙂

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