Category: On the web
Lawnchairs in Space!
You likely are aware that I’m a fan of the Kerbal Space Program, a very cool and fun way to safely explore the process of designing, building, launching, navigating and landing spacecraft. Yep, cool and safe. Totally unlike reality. Earlier today I stumbled across this video that, while hosted by a Kerbal Space Program fan, goes into a…
Cool! Mr. D gets the Google Doodle treatment!
A Canadian TV icon today was honoured with a Google Doodle (on the .ca Google page anyway) on what would have been his 85th birthday; Ernie Coombs was better known as Mr. Dressup.
Just because…
Saw this Star Wars / Call Me Maybe mashup and couldn’t resist. It’s that kind of day 🙂
Final flight of the shuttle Enterprise as it arrives at its new NYC home [Video]
Riding atop NASA’s modified Boeing 747 carrier aircraft, NASA’s drop-test article – the not quite an Orbiter Enterprise – flew to the New York area on April 27, 2012. It’s final home: the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum.
Macintosh Java malware has mutated!
Over the last few weeks we’ve read that hundreds of thousands of Apple Macintosh computers running OSX have become infected with the Flashback trojan, which is a type of virus that could, through a hole in Java security, infect your Mac and connect it to a botnet of over half a million other Macs. And we’ve also read that…
This movie, I want to see, if it’s ever made.
I’m a huge Portal (and Portal 2) fan, so when I saw this fan-made production making the rounds of the social media nets, I had to check it out. Wow. Watch the HD version, full screen, with the audio cranked.
Back to School 101: Security Software
Summer’s almost over and if you’ve got a student in your family, it’s time to start thinking about prepping their computer to safely return to Hogworts school. Proper computer security is a defensive game. You want to build processes (both software and behavioural) that encase your computing environment in a series of protective shells, protecting…
2012? Now what the f*#k are we supposed to do?
Yep, looks like Aliens: Colonial Marines will be released in 2012 — great news for anyone wanting to go on a bug hunt. Of course, when I saw this teaser video, I just had to share it:
Libraries are dead. Long live the Librarian!
I love it when coincidence and synergy lead to a blog post, this post in fact. In a post earlier this week, Seth Godin lead us through the history of the Library and the Librarian. In his post, he eventually settled on the somewhat alarming concept that the Library was basically dead: Wikipedia and the huge databanks…
50 year old infographic shows NASA’s first manned forray into space
NASA’s Image of the Day Gallery provided this cool infographic showing Alan Shepard’s brief flight into space — America’s first. It appeared magically on my desktop courtesy of John’s Background Switcher — a cool windows desktop wallpaper application that manages and displays many image sources.
More Gagarin Goodness…
Earlier today I noticed the Google Doodle pointing to resources about Yuri Gagarin’s (and mankind’s) first orbit of the Earth. A few moments ago @mynameiskate pointed me at the YouTube logo — modified too — and links to First Orbit a free feature-length movie about Gagarin’s flight: A real time recreation of Yuri Gagarin’s pioneering…