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Category: On the web

  • Lawnchairs in Space!

    You likely are aware that I’m a fan of the Kerbal Space Pro­gram, a very cool and fun way to safely explore the pro­cess of design­ing, build­ing, launch­ing, nav­ig­at­ing and land­ing space­craft. Yep, cool and safe. Totally unlike real­ity. Earli­er today I stumbled across this video that, while hos­ted by a Kerbal Space Pro­gram fan, goes into a…

  • So. Google’s shutting down Google Reader

    Frankly I’d not thought about my RSS read­ing pro­cess in a while. I use NetVibes (pic­tured above) as my main read­er, and it’s been pretty stable up until today; they pos­ted a note say­ing they’re deal­ing with an influx of new mem­bers — likely emig­rants from Google Reader. I like NetVibes because it gives me…

  • Cool! Mr. D gets the Google Doodle treatment!

    A Cana­dian TV icon today was hon­oured with a Google Doodle (on the .ca Google page any­way) on what would have been his 85th birth­day; Ernie Coombs was bet­ter known as Mr. Dressup.

  • Just because…

    Saw this Star Wars / Call Me Maybe mashup and could­n’t res­ist. It’s that kind of day 🙂  

  • Final flight of the shuttle Enterprise as it arrives at its new NYC home [Video]

    Rid­ing atop NAS­A’s mod­i­fied Boe­ing 747 car­ri­er air­craft, NASA’s drop-test art­icle – the not quite an Orbit­er Enter­prise – flew to the New York area on April 27, 2012. It’s final home: the Intrep­id Sea Air and Space Museum.

  • Macintosh Java malware has mutated!

    Over the last few weeks we’ve read that hun­dreds of thou­sands of Apple Macin­tosh com­puters run­ning OSX have become infec­ted with the Flash­back tro­jan, which is a type of vir­us that could, through a hole in Java secur­ity, infect your Mac and con­nect it to a bot­net of over half a mil­lion oth­er Macs. And we’ve also read that…

  • This movie, I want to see, if it’s ever made.

    I’m a huge Portal (and Portal 2) fan, so when I saw this fan-made pro­duc­tion mak­ing the rounds of the social media nets, I had to check it out. Wow. Watch the HD ver­sion, full screen, with the audio cranked.

  • Back to School 101: Security Software

    Sum­mer­’s almost over and if you’ve got a stu­dent in your fam­ily, it’s time to start think­ing about prep­ping their com­puter to safely return to Hog­worts school. Prop­er com­puter secur­ity is a defens­ive game. You want to build pro­cesses (both soft­ware and beha­vi­our­al) that encase your com­put­ing envir­on­ment in a series of pro­tect­ive shells, pro­tect­ing…

  • 2012? Now what the f*#k are we supposed to do?

    Yep, looks like Ali­ens: Colo­ni­al Mar­ines will be released in 2012 — great news for any­one want­ing to go on a bug hunt. Of course, when I saw this teas­er video, I just had to share it:

  • Libraries are dead. Long live the Librarian!

    I love it when coin­cid­ence and syn­ergy lead to a blog post, this post in fact. In a post earli­er this week, Seth God­in lead us through the his­tory of the Lib­rary and the Lib­rar­i­an. In his post, he even­tu­ally settled on the some­what alarm­ing concept that the Lib­rary was basic­ally dead: Wiki­pe­dia and the huge databanks…

  • 50 year old infographic shows NASA’s first manned forray into space

    NAS­A’s Image of the Day Gal­lery provided this cool infograph­ic show­ing Alan Shep­ard’s brief flight into space — Amer­ica’s first. It appeared magic­ally on my desktop cour­tesy of John’s Back­ground Switch­er — a cool win­dows desktop wall­pa­per applic­a­tion that man­ages and dis­plays many image sources.

  • More Gagarin Goodness…

    Earli­er today I noticed the Google Doodle point­ing to resources about Yuri Gagar­in’s (and man­kind’s) first orbit of the Earth. A few moments ago @mynameiskate poin­ted me at the You­Tube logo — mod­i­fied too — and links to First Orbit a free fea­ture-length movie about Gagar­in’s flight: A real time recre­ation of Yuri Gagar­in’s pion­eer­ing…