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Card Hunter becomes Loot & Legends and now available for iPad

I’ve been play­ing this cool D&D‑like game on the PC for a while now, and am quite happy to see it on the iPad. Card Hunter Loot & Legends has a very old-school feel to it, includ­ing some ‘unusu­al’ com­ment­ary from the Dun­geon Master. It’s a free app, with in-app pur­chases for addi­tion­al char­ac­ters, etc. Worth…

I’ve been play­ing this cool D&D‑like game on the PC for a while now, and am quite happy to see it on the iPad.

Card Hunter Loot & Legends has a very old-school feel to it, includ­ing some ‘unusu­al’ com­ment­ary from the Dun­geon Master.

It’s a free app, with in-app pur­chases for addi­tion­al char­ac­ters, etc. Worth the down­load.


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