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Tag: Games

  • Card Hunter becomes Loot & Legends and now available for iPad

    I’ve been play­ing this cool D&D‑like game on the PC for a while now, and am quite happy to see it on the iPad. Card Hunter Loot & Legends has a very old-school feel to it, includ­ing some ‘unusu­al’ com­ment­ary from the Dun­geon Master. It’s a free app, with in-app pur­chases for addi­tion­al char­ac­ters, etc. Worth…

  • Kerbal Space Program leaving Beta. Version 1.0 arrives tomorrow

    New ver­sion of Kerbal Space Pro­gram arrives tomor­row, the first full non-beta release. Yes, all sorts of new stuff and fea­tures — here’s some promo videos:

  • From the It Must Be Christmas Holiday App Deals dept.

    It seems like a few of the good strategy and board games are going on sale now on the Apple App Store as qual­ity pub­lish­ers have star­ted cut­ting prices  reveal­ing their hol­i­day app deals. I’ve played these games and do recom­mend them as valu­able addi­tions to your iOS gam­ing col­lec­tion. Prices are dis­coun­ted at the time…

  • App Store Free App of the Week

    Check­ing out the App Store’s Free App of the Week — Piv­vot — just hap­pens to be a game! Ori­gin­ally was $2.99.

  • Aiiee! The Steam Summer Sale is in full swing. Too much temptation.

    Over the last few years I’ve become more of a fan of Steam and a couple of oth­er online deliv­ery ser­vices for my PC gam­ing needs. I can­’t actu­ally remem­ber the last PC game I bought in a brick-and-mort­er store for my desktop. And now, the Steam Sum­mer Sale is reach­ing its mid-point and so…

  • Captain on the bridge

    About a year or so ago I down­loaded a nifty little PC game called Artemis — Star­ship Simulator. Actu­ally, that name’s a bit mis­lead­ing — it’s more of a Star Trek bridge crew sim­u­lat­or. There are oth­er reviews that cov­er it bet­ter, but suf­fice it to say it’s a cool game to bring to a…

  • I’m quite enjoying Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol!

    Yep, I’m hav­ing fun with Ace Patrol, as you may have seen in my pre­vi­ous post, it’s a light single/multiplayer, World War I stra­tegic com­bat game. Air­fights con­sist of up to 8 com­batants, four per side, and vary depend­ing on air­craft, pilot skill, and game dif­fi­culty level. Ace Patrol is cur­rently only avail­able for iPad, iPod…

  • Immelmann your way to victory in Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol for iOS

    After check­ing out Pock­etTactic’s piece on the lim­ited (to Canada) release of a new Sid Mei­er game, I thought I’d take a little time tonight and check out Sid Mei­er­’s Ace Patrol for iOS, espe­cially there’s not a lot of game info either on 2K’s page (they’re the pub­lish­er) nor on Fire­Ax­is’s page (they’re the…

  • Coolest indie game in development — update and video!

     My recent fling with the Kerbal Space Pro­gram is get­ting more ser­i­ous; they’ve released the much-anti­cip­ated 0.7 update that includes lots of cool stuff, including: Sev­er­al new Plan­ets and Moons, for a total of 14 Celes­ti­al Bodies. Mul­tiple game saves support. Tutori­als and Scenarios. Sev­er­al new Parts, includ­ing a NERVA Engine. Intern­al Cock­pit Views on…

  • Guild Wars 2 Open Beta Weekend Overview

    There are those who eagerly anti­cip­ate online gam­ing events. And then there’s the rest of the world. I kinda fall into the first category. This past week­end I par­ti­cip­ated in such an event — the first Guild Wars 2 open beta test. Basic­ally it was two and a half days of fresh Guild Wars good­ness! But first…

  • Oldschool Atari games arrive on the iPad [video]

    This video review of the new (and free with Pong) Atar­i’s Greatest Hits app gives you a great over­view of the games and func­tion­al­ity. Pair it with the upcom­ing iCade hard­ware iPad arcade cab­in­et and you’ve got a winner!  

  • DOS on the iPad? There’s an app for that.

    [UPDATE — looks like Apple has pulled it from the app store again] I’ve got a rather strange, yet fam­ily friendly habit — I tend to col­lect com­puter emu­lat­ors; soft­ware writ­ten for hard­ware, that acts like older hard­ware in order to run older software. With me so far? Over the last few years, Apple has been slowly…