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Only 50? Seems longer…

Only 50 years ago today, a sig­ni­fic­ant mile­stone in the space race was achieved, launch­ing a man, the Soviet Uni­on’s Yuri Gagar­in, bey­ond the atmo­sphere and into a single orbit of the Earth. Lots of cool space and Gagar­in related info found via Google today; they also provided the cool anim­a­tion on their doodle — just float…

Google Doodle
Only 50 years ago today, a sig­ni­fic­ant mile­stone in the space race was achieved, launch­ing a man, the Soviet Uni­on’s Yuri Gagar­in, bey­ond the atmo­sphere and into a single orbit of the Earth.

Lots of cool space and Gagar­in related info found via Google today; they also provided the cool anim­a­tion on their doodle — just float your point­er over the image on 🙂


2 responses to “Only 50? Seems longer…”

  1. Leask Avatar

    That is almost two of my life­times! (This was said just to make every­body else feel old.)

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Shad­dup. Kids these days. No respect.


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