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Tag: Image

  • Only 50? Seems longer…

    Only 50 years ago today, a sig­ni­fic­ant mile­stone in the space race was achieved, launch­ing a man, the Soviet Uni­on’s Yuri Gagar­in, bey­ond the atmo­sphere and into a single orbit of the Earth. Lots of cool space and Gagar­in related info found via Google today; they also provided the cool anim­a­tion on their doodle — just float…

  • I have a new blog! And a contest!

    Over the last little while you may have noticed I’ve become a bit iPad cent­ric. To be spe­cif­ic, I’ve been explor­ing using the iPad as a port­able, digit­al darkroom. Yes, the iPad does­n’t have a cam­era (for now, maybe in ver­sion 2?), but that should­n’t stop us from using it to manip­u­late images impor­ted into…

  • Free photo app Instagram just got better

    The free and pop­u­lar instant pho­to­graphy shar­ing app for iOS, Ins­tagram, just pushed an update through — and it’s a nifty little update too! Aside from some bug fixes, two new fil­ters were added in the 1.0.7 update; Walden Hefe And one has been retrieved from the cut­ting room floor after a bit of a…

  • 3 Awesome Photo apps for your iPad

    Now I know what you're thinking -- Brad, the iPad doesn't have a camera so why would I want photography apps on it. Well, because the iPad is portable, has a great screen that presents photos better than any other mobile device, and lets you d...

  • Christmas Lego

    Just anoth­er excuse to take some pho­tos of a couple of Christ­mas lego con­struc­tions. Simple layout: Drape a bright red scarf as a seam­less background Pos­i­tion Lego object Shoot with the zoom racked in to telephoto Off­load image to the iPad Pro­cess / crop with Instragram Upload to Flickr Blog about it 🙂

  • Print? Scan? Copy? Fax? It’s covered!

    Recently I had an opportunity to put one of the new Brother multi-function printer devices through it’s paces, and overall, I liked what I saw.Priced as an entry level unit, the Brother MFC-J615W (that’s a mouthful, why can’t they...

  • Personal Indulgance: Airplanes and Photography

    Earli­er this week I found a rather cool web­site that com­bines two of my interests; pho­to­graphy and aviation. is a simple little Tumblr blog that pro­files inter­est­ing avi­ation photography. It’s clean, almost sparse, giv­ing all the atten­tion to the images. Which I appre­ci­ate. Maybe you will too!

  • Cute name. Cute scanner. Great value.

    I have two dogs, mini­ature Daschunds. They’re about 6 inches tall at the shoulder and about 14 inches longs. Wein­er dogs. Dox­ies. I now have a scan­ner, and it’s a Dox­ie too! It’s about 2 inches tall, and about 10 inches long. Appro­pri­ately named. But the name doesn’t do justice to the scan­ner itself. The Dox­ie is one cool…

  • The view out my window

    Daily I work in a cube, except for today. As you can see, I’m in my ‘away’ office, yet still connected. And yes, I am work­ing. Through the won­ders of tech­no­logy, I’m crank­ing out the copy, send­ing the email, edit­ing the text and photos. This is Life­style Tech­no­logy at work. Wifi enables me to be…

  • Cool Desktop: Spectrum of a Tree

    My wife has been using this image as a desktop back­ground for about a year now, but recently I took a good look at it. Ini­tially I thought this was simply a photo of a tree in sil­hou­ette, sliced, col­our­ized and laid out as you see it. But on closer inspec­tion, it seems that these are shots…

  • A collection of my desktop images

    Recently I’ve been reor­gan­iz­ing my image lib­rar­ies, and came across a few that I’ve used as desktop images. I don’t claim to have shot all these, just mod­i­fied them from their ori­gin­al size to fit my desktop. Rather than hav­ing them all over the blog, I’ve built a page to host them So if you’re inter­ested…

  • Some of my better photos from 2009

    I’ve taken a look back at some of the shots I’ve been for­tu­nate enough to cap­ture this year. flickr has a cool fea­ture called ‘sets’, so I made one — then noticed that I can share the set as a slideshow — embed­ded below. Enjoy! And happy new year!