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Christmas Lego

Just anoth­er excuse to take some pho­tos of a couple of Christ­mas lego con­struc­tions. Simple layout: Drape a bright red scarf as a seam­less background Pos­i­tion Lego object Shoot with the zoom racked in to telephoto Off­load image to the iPad Pro­cess / crop with Instragram Upload to Flickr Blog about it 🙂

Just anoth­er excuse to take some pho­tos of a couple of Christ­mas lego con­struc­tions. Simple layout:

  • Drape a bright red scarf as a seam­less background
  • Pos­i­tion Lego object
  • Shoot with the zoom racked in to telephoto
  • Off­load image to the iPad
  • Pro­cess / crop with Instragram
  • Upload to Flickr
  • Blog about it 🙂

Last year's Lego tree Hey you kids, stay off my snow!


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