Tag: Christmas

  • iPad and iPhone used in Christmas Concert

    I’m always a suck­er for iPad and iPhone ‘instru­ment’ videos, so here’s anoth­er — an iBand per­form­ing at a com­munity church.  North Point’s iBand from North Point Web. Though the instru­ments are vir­tu­al, the musi­cian­ship is real. Well done!

  • Christmas Lego

    Just anoth­er excuse to take some pho­tos of a couple of Christ­mas lego con­struc­tions. Simple layout: Drape a bright red scarf as a seam­less background Pos­i­tion Lego object Shoot with the zoom racked in to telephoto Off­load image to the iPad Pro­cess / crop with Instragram Upload to Flickr Blog about it 🙂

  • Add this to my Christmas List

    If you’re a fan of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, then this book, The Mak­ing of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, had bet­ter be on your Christ­mas list this year. It’s on mine 🙂 Watch the video and find out why…

  • A few reasons why I’ll get an iPad before Christmas — perhaps. Maybe.

    Over the last little while I’ve been fol­low­ing the news around Apple’s latest tech­no­lo­gic­al mar­vel, the iPad. Sure, at this time, only the Wi-Fi ver­sion is avail­able (and only in the US), but there’re enough news and reviews out there that it’s quite easy for­mu­late an early opin­ion — espe­cially since I already have an…

  • Tech with family at the holidays

    This Christ­mas has prob­ably the most intens­ive tech-soaked hol­i­day peri­od I’ve had with friends and fam­ily. It was refresh­ing to see the ways that recent tech devel­op­ments have allowed us to enjoy the gath­er­ing, events, exper­i­ence and excite­ment. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log.…

  • Another favourite Christmas gift from the annals of tech time

    In the last half of the pre­vi­ous cen­tury, tech­no­logy was sim­pler. Com­puter cir­cuits were just com­ing into their own on a piece of sil­ic­one called an IC, or Integ­rated Cir­cuit — a chip. Bud­ding young hob­by­ists want­ing to learn this arcane art of elec­tron­ics had one great omni­bus took to help them out… …more This…

  • Three tech stocking stuffers

    By now you should have had all your major gifts bought, wrapped and out of the way, but what about the little things, the cool tech toys that just fit in that stock­ing, hung by the chim­ney with care. Fear not, I’ve got a stock­ing stuffer list that will help you out in these final…

  • Lego Christmas ornaments

    What would Christ­mas be without dec­or­a­tions, and Lego! The two just go togeth­er like peas and carrots. Since the loc­al Toys ‘R Us is across the street, I found these two items  just inside the door. How could I resist 🙂 What bet­ter way to bright­en up a drab grey office cube. They’re small, descrete, yet…

  • 3 books I’d give as Christmas presents

    I’m spend­ing much more time in malls and shops this month — must be the sea­son.  One of my favour­ite places to spend time is a book shop. Any book shop. Some­thing about them just make me happy. This year, I spot­ted three books that I’m con­sid­er­ing either giv­ing or get­ting for myself, just ’cause they’re…

  • The spreadsheet that saved Christmas!

    Ok, that’s a bit over the top, I’ll admit, but believe it or not, a spread­sheet cer­tainly did help me out this hol­i­day sea­son, by help­ing me and my fam­ily stay organ­ized as we worked through our hol­i­day gift list, fig­ur­ing out who is going to get what this year…especially if we’re in dif­fer­ent house­holds…

  • Why I’m not recommending an eBook reader this Christmas

    This hol­i­day sea­son it seems that the eBook read­er is the must-have tech gift. I can under­stand why: Port­able — it’s easi­er to carry one eRead­er loaded with a few hun­dred (or thou­sand!) books Search­able — some of the eRead­ers can  scan and search for text pas­sages, let­ting you book­mark them for future reference Annota­tions — in…

  • CD Case Calendar (Dec. 2008)

    CD Case Cal­en­dar (Dec. 2008) Ori­gin­ally uploaded by bgri­er After explor­ing fd’s Flickr Toys a bit I redis­covered the cool CD Case Cal­en­dar applic­a­tion. Take one month Add one photo (Selena and Heloise at Christ­mas) Stir gently Viola!