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A collection of my desktop images

Recently I’ve been reor­gan­iz­ing my image lib­rar­ies, and came across a few that I’ve used as desktop images. I don’t claim to have shot all these, just mod­i­fied them from their ori­gin­al size to fit my desktop. Rather than hav­ing them all over the blog, I’ve built a page to host them So if you’re inter­ested…

Recently I’ve been reor­gan­iz­ing my image lib­rar­ies, and came across a few that I’ve used as desktop images.

I don’t claim to have shot all these, just mod­i­fied them from their ori­gin­al size to fit my desktop.

Rather than hav­ing them all over the blog, I’ve built a page to host them

So if you’re inter­ested in see­ing some images I’ve been using to décor­ate my desktop, then click on through.


One response to “A collection of my desktop images”

  1. Sam Winn Avatar

    Nice col­lec­tion!
    Even down­load some for my desktop. Brad Gri­er Thank you for your inter­est­ing blog!

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