Category: Desktop Images

  • Friday: Lander

    Friday: Lander

    Stand­ard Lun­ar Lander — because it’s Friday.


    Thought I’d make a treat­ment of our ‘UNDERDOG’, Bog­art. The Under­dog concept came from a post by our CaliC­an Res­cue honcho, Rene. He was in a res­taur­ant in Cali­for­nia, on a trip to pick up a new pack of res­cues, and after explain­ing to the waiter why he was there, the waiter replied; ‘Thank you…

  • Cool Desktop: Spectrum of a Tree

    My wife has been using this image as a desktop back­ground for about a year now, but recently I took a good look at it. Ini­tially I thought this was simply a photo of a tree in sil­hou­ette, sliced, col­our­ized and laid out as you see it. But on closer inspec­tion, it seems that these are shots…

  • A collection of my desktop images

    Recently I’ve been reor­gan­iz­ing my image lib­rar­ies, and came across a few that I’ve used as desktop images. I don’t claim to have shot all these, just mod­i­fied them from their ori­gin­al size to fit my desktop. Rather than hav­ing them all over the blog, I’ve built a page to host them So if you’re inter­ested…

  • Atlantis on the Sun — Desktop Image

    I felt the need for a new desktop image for my com­puters, now that the Apollo 11 excite­ment has died down, and I was tir­ing of my Apollo 8 Earth­rise image. I found this neat shot of Atlantis trans­it­ing the Sun, by Thi­erry Legault. The fol­low­ing sizes at the NASA site: Full Size 1024×768 800×600 And…

  • Alberta Winter on the Desktop

    Happy New Year. I’ve been hav­ing more fun with Pho­toshop and with my new Wacom Bam­boo draw­ing tab­let, and decided to share the fruits of my labour. Here’s a new 1280 x 865 win­tery-themed image, taken one frosty morn­ing out on the trail near the Waska­hegan trail at the Cook­ing Lake-Black­foot Recre­ation Area, just east…

  • Earthrise on the desktop — an Apollo 8 image

    Today I was feel­ing the need to update my desktop, and decided to look around for a 1280×1024 ver­sion of Earth­rise. I could­n’t quickly find one…so I did the next best thing, grabbed this 2400×2400 ver­sion from NASA and cropped it. Feel free to grab my (1024×768) ver­sion here. ** Update Feb 17, 2008 ** Since I’ve…