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A few reasons why I’ll get an iPad before Christmas — perhaps. Maybe.

Over the last little while I’ve been fol­low­ing the news around Apple’s latest tech­no­lo­gic­al mar­vel, the iPad. Sure, at this time, only the Wi-Fi ver­sion is avail­able (and only in the US), but there’re enough news and reviews out there that it’s quite easy for­mu­late an early opin­ion — espe­cially since I already have an…

Over the last little while I’ve been fol­low­ing the news around Apple’s latest tech­no­lo­gic­al mar­vel, the iPad. Sure, at this time, only the Wi-Fi ver­sion is avail­able (and only in the US), but there’re enough news and reviews out there that it’s quite easy for­mu­late an early opin­ion — espe­cially since I already have an iPod Touch and am used to it’s inter­face and way of doing things.

Why would I get an iPad?
There are many reas­ons, but here’s a few that are top of mind, mostly around use of media:

  • Ref­er­ence Doc­u­ments — I hate car­ry­ing around pages of stuff that is only used for ref­er­ence. I love car­ry­ing around pages of stuff that’s only used for ref­er­ence — if it’s in a digit­al format. I do this cur­rently with my iPod Touch, once I figured out how easy it was to view pdf and doc files on my Touch, that is. I expect that the iPad will let me view my .pdf and doc files in much the same way.
  • eBooks — Sim­il­ar to the reas­on­ing for Ref­er­ence Doc­u­ments, but with this addi­tion. I’m get­ting older and am real­iz­ing that read­ing on a lar­ger screen is easi­er than the smal­ler dis­play on my Touch.
  • Games — I’m enjoy­ing the low-cost high-qual­ity games that are com­ing out of the iPhone eco­sys­tem. I’m think­ing there are going to be more of the same for the iPad. With the lar­ger form factor, it’ll be a new experience.

Why before Christmas?
Well, Apple released the iPad in April (May for rest-of-world). This gives enough time for the plat­form to sta­bil­ize, the oper­at­ing sys­tem and hard­ware to be patched to fix obvi­ous bugs and tech­nic­al issues. Maybe.

I’m not into invest­ing in first gen­er­a­tion tech­no­logy when I can avoid it, but per­haps I will have an iPad by Christ­mas, if all goes well. Maybe.


2 responses to “A few reasons why I’ll get an iPad before Christmas — perhaps. Maybe.”

  1. Tess Avatar

    Flash and edu­ca­tion­al dis­counts will also drive the pri­cing for these. Most uni­ver­sit­ies are WiFi now includ­ing UofA. And when every­one has a tab­let instead of using a laptop and books you still have to solve off-line secure stor­age of inform­a­tion and have top­shelf low-cost soft­ware /applications avail­able. There’s still a bit of an uphill curve for this, I’d say look at the next gen­er­a­tion at the very least. Let the bugs in both the unit’s design and its func­tion­al­ity get worked out first.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Agreed — right now it’s a wait­ing game to get the new OS out, see what major bugs exist and are being fixed.

    The there’s that whole Adobe vs Apple thing with Flash. All stuff that needs to be con­sidered in a pur­chase decision.

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