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Using Google Wave to ‘book club’ Trust Agents

Earli­er today I respon­ded to a tweet by @gregbd about form­ing a read­ing club for Trust Agents: And now we’ve done it. It’s a pub­lic Wave that you should be able to find by search­ing with:public "Trust Agents" in the Google Wave search box, and since it’s pub­lic, feel free to join in and share your…

Earli­er today I respon­ded to a tweet by @gregbd about form­ing a read­ing club for Trust Agents:

Google Wave book-clubbing tweet for Trust Agents

And now we’ve done it. It’s a pub­lic Wave that you should be able to find by search­ing with:public "Trust Agents" in the Google Wave search box, and since it’s pub­lic, feel free to join in and share your thoughts!

We’re still fig­ur­ing out how this will work — just like I’m still fig­ur­ing out Google Wave,  but I’ve just com­pleted Chapter 1 of Trust Agents so I thought I’d share my input to the Wave here:

Just fin­ished Chapter 1. The book is siz­ing up to be an inter­est­ing read, though I expec­ted it to be pretty good as I’ve read Chris Brogan’s work before.

I found the first chapter to be a good intro­duc­tion and over­view into what Social Media is and can do.

What I found espe­cially inter­est­ing was the sec­tion titled; How Trust Is Mod­i­fied by Media.

I’ve worked in vari­ous forms of main­stream media through my careers, and have to agree that there are many people who don’t yet get Social Media℠, and are try­ing to push old mar­ket­ing con­cepts into it.

It’s not the same a Broad­cast Radio or TV and the audi­ence’s trust of those older media are hugely dimin­ished, because we’ve learned to dis-trust that media, and even be skep­tic­al of ‘news’ these days.

Since SM lever­ages the crowd and the tech­no­logy, we have built-in ‘truth detec­tion’ sys­tems — which looks to me like a new and trust­worthy media.

In this chapter I also like the Action Items: I’ve had ‘listen­ing sta­tions’ set up before, but this was one of the best descrip­tions I’ve heard of how and why to set one up.

I’m going to have to re-read this chapter…there’s too many good things in it to absorb in a single read.


2 responses to “Using Google Wave to ‘book club’ Trust Agents”

  1. inGoogleWave (John Macy) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Using Google Wave to ‘book club’ Trust Agents | Brad Gri­er … [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

  2. yourwaveguide (Dez Futak) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    #Wave Using Google Wave to ‘book club’ Trust Agents | Brad Gri­er … [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

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