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Tag: Book

  • A book to tide me over until the next Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend

    Last week­end was great fun as @tturbo and the rest of our years-old Guild Wars group jumped in to the most recent Beta Week­end event. But now the event is done, and the wait con­tin­ues for the *next* event, and I’m find­ing I need more of the world to explore. Behold! So ‘a man has said’…

  • Libraries are dead. Long live the Librarian!

    I love it when coin­cid­ence and syn­ergy lead to a blog post, this post in fact. In a post earli­er this week, Seth God­in lead us through the his­tory of the Lib­rary and the Lib­rar­i­an. In his post, he even­tu­ally settled on the some­what alarm­ing concept that the Lib­rary was basic­ally dead: Wiki­pe­dia and the huge databanks…

  • Three essential PDF readers for iPad

    A while ago I wrote about ways to read PDF files on your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. Well that post is show­ing it’s age, so rather than com­pletely redo it, I thought I’d dis­cuss my cur­rent three top PDF read­ers, and why. GoodRead­er GoodRead­er is my first choice, go-to PDF read­er on my iPad. First off,…

  • Interesting business model for eBook

    Earli­er this week I found an eBook over on Zen­Hab­its. The book looks inter­est­ing and I’m look­ing for­ward to giv­ing it a read, but the think that caught my eye was the busi­ness mod­el; you can get the book for free. The whole book, as a down­load­able eBook. Free. Now, there is a Premi­um ver­sion…

  • Add this to my Christmas List

    If you’re a fan of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, then this book, The Mak­ing of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, had bet­ter be on your Christ­mas list this year. It’s on mine 🙂 Watch the video and find out why…

  • The Steve Jobs Way

    Tomor­row Apple will likely announce a new look and feel for the Mac­Book Air and an update (per­haps sig­ni­fic­ant) to their flag­ship oper­at­ing sys­tem, OSX. And once again, the real­ity dis­tor­tion field sur­round­ing Steve Jobs’ present­a­tions will be set to full power. It’ll be an inter­est­ing day, I’m sure. Espe­cially since Steve ripped into Google,…

  • It’s a Book [video]

    I’ll let the video do the talking. Hat tip to my friend Tim for post­ing this on Facebook 🙂

  • The Tablet Cometh: Some thoughts on Apple’s announcement

    Next Wed­nes­day, Apple will host one of the most anti­cip­ated tech­no­logy announce­ments of the year, per­haps of this still-fresh decade. The reas­on for this level of atten­tion is that every­one anti­cip­ates that Apple will re-launch a device that the industry has been try­ing to make work for 20 years — the Tab­let computer. As some pun­dits…

  • Using Google Wave to ‘book club’ Trust Agents

    Earli­er today I respon­ded to a tweet by @gregbd about form­ing a read­ing club for Trust Agents: And now we’ve done it. It’s a pub­lic Wave that you should be able to find by search­ing with:public "Trust Agents" in the Google Wave search box, and since it’s pub­lic, feel free to join in and share your…

  • How to view PDF and other files on your iPhone and iPod Touch

    This art­icle was ori­gin­ally writ­ten in April 2009. A few new apps have appeared since then, but one, GoodRead­er is now my daily go-to PDF read­er right now. I touch on a few of the new apps here, includ­ing GoodRead­er, but you’ll be back on this page if you want to check out Stanza — a…