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Why I’m not recommending an eBook reader this Christmas

This hol­i­day sea­son it seems that the eBook read­er is the must-have tech gift. I can under­stand why: Port­able — it’s easi­er to carry one eRead­er loaded with a few hun­dred (or thou­sand!) books Search­able — some of the eRead­ers can  scan and search for text pas­sages, let­ting you book­mark them for future reference Annota­tions — in…

This hol­i­day sea­son it seems that the eBook read­er is the must-have tech gift.

I can under­stand why:

  • Port­able — it’s easi­er to carry one eRead­er loaded with a few hun­dred (or thou­sand!) books
  • Search­able — some of the eRead­ers can  scan and search for text pas­sages, let­ting you book­mark them for future reference
  • Annota­tions — in addi­tion to book­mark­ing your pages, some eRead­ers let you make notes ‘in the mar­gin’ so to speak. These can be saved out, expor­ted to oth­er docs for use

But even though eRead­ers are the rage — you may want to wait anoth­er few months before you invest;

  • Tech­no­logy is improv­ing — the nifty eInk pro­cess used to dis­play highly read­able text on an LCD-like screen is improv­ing. The refresh rate and pixel res­ol­u­tion is improv­ing, so the annoy­ing (to me, at least) flick­er when you flip pages will be reduced when eBooks adopt new­er eInk tech.
  • More options — Barnes & Nobel has integ­rated a col­our touch screen in their Nook eRead­er — in addi­tion to the eInk text display.
  • More choice — Apple’s much pre­dicted (yet nev­er announced) Tab­let device could arrive in the first half of next year. If so, this’ll be the ‘must-have’ eRead­er. Not only an eBook read­er, the device will likely have all the func­tions of a cur­rent gen­er­a­tion iPod Touch. If you think of it as a port­able com­puter then you’ve got it. Though, many don’t like the back­lit dis­play of the iPhone and iPod touch for read­ing — too bright and hard on the eyes for long-term use — I’ve not noticed a prob­lem in long ses­sion’s I’ve had.
  • Cur­rent eRead­ers are not dis­coun­tedIn this Com­puter­World art­icle, it seems that eBook read­ers have the highest markup of all tech­no­logy avail­able this hol­i­day season:
    E‑book read­ers aren’t really get­ting swept up in the cost cut­ting. While some stores are actu­ally pay­ing you to take free Black­Berry phones, for example, e‑book read­ers still cost hun­dreds of dollars.
  • Pro­pri­et­ary eBook stores — I’m not sure how this will shake down. Google, Sony, Amazon all have (or will soon have) online eBook shops, and there’s a host of inde­pend­ent ones too. The selec­tion of books avail­able at (or lim­ited to) cer­tain eBook stores may decide which unit you get…but it should­n’t. I’d look for some­thing that sup­ports the widely accep­ted  ePub standard.

My recom­mend­a­tion — if you don’t already have one, wait a bit. You’ll get new fea­tures, per­haps a bet­ter price, per­haps a bet­ter unit, and more selec­tion to choose from.


10 responses to “Why I’m not recommending an eBook reader this Christmas”

  1. Ellis Avatar

    I agree com­pletely. My biggest show-stop­per has­n’t been the tech­no­logy, but as you also con­cluded, the lack of an open-stand­ard. I don’t want to be stuck with DRM pro­tec­ted books from a single source. Oddly, I have less of a prob­lem with this mod­el on music (such as iTunes) because quite frankly, the only device I would ever want to play the tunes on is an iPod/iPhone. But, a book? There is no dom­in­ant device. I don’t want to be stuck with text on “yes­ter­day’s archi­tec­ture”. When a new, bet­ter device comes out I want to be able to migrate my books.

    With the cur­rent lim­it­a­tion I will simply hold out until an open stand­ard (ePub?) emerges, or until that dom­in­ant device becomes apparent.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Thanks Ellis,
    I did­n’t really think about doc­u­ment port­ab­il­ity, but yeah, if you’ve inves­ted in a nov­el, you should­n’t be locked into read­ing it on one device type. I have this issue cur­rently with some docs on my Palm TX. I’ve had to kludge an HTML export and manu­al import pro­cess to get them moved to my iPod Touch. 

    An open stand­ard like ePub should elim­in­ate this hassle if it’s adop­ted by all eBook makers.

  3. ebookcraft (Dirk Cajada) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    RT @bgrier: Blog Post: Why I’m not recom­mend­ing an eBook read­er this Christ­mas — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

  4. Katharine_A (Katharine Anderson-D) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    I tried to see a #nook demo this am. RT @bgrier: Blog Post: Why I’m not recom­mend­ing an eBook read­er this Christ­mas — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

  5. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Blog Post: Why I’m not recom­mend­ing an eBook read­er this Christ­mas — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

    1. merlin67 (Todd) Avatar

      Twit­ter Comment

      @bgrier cuz if you’ve got an iPhone or oth­er smart­phone w/ a large enough screen, you don’t need one 🙂 (say­ing this before read­ing blog)

      Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

      1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

        Twit­ter Comment

        @merlin67 Also will be look­ing for a good eread­er, want a lar­ger screen format than my iPod Touch offers. it’s OK, but lar­ger would be best

        Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

        1. merlin67 (Todd) Avatar

          Twit­ter Comment

          @bgrier is that an age thing, perhaps? 😉

          Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

          1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

            Twit­ter Comment

            @merlin67 Heh, yeah, it could be an age thing…though I refuse to believe it (deni­al) 🙂

            Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

      2. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

        Twit­ter Comment

        @merlin67 Heh, Actu­ally I don’t touch on that…you could com­ment 😉 I do use my Touch as a read­er though.

        Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

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