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Tag: eBook Reader

  • My iOS App Picks for 2014 — eBook Readers

    It’s that time of year again — the year is end­ing, com­ing to a close. And we often take time to look back at things we’ve done. In my case, I thought I’d look back at the iOS apps that have most engaged me over the last year. I’ll basic­ally select a ‘win­ner’ and a ‘run­ner…

  • A better mobile eBook reader?

    It’s been a while since I took a look at what’s cool in the mobile eBook read­er space, as I’ve been quite sat­is­fied with my cur­rent read­ing apps (GoodRead­er for PDFs, Stanza for ePubs) and their use with Cal­ibre (a must-have eBook lib­rary man­age­ment pro­gram). So today I’ve installed Read­Mill — a ‘social’ eBook read­er…

  • Why I’m not recommending an eBook reader this Christmas

    This hol­i­day sea­son it seems that the eBook read­er is the must-have tech gift. I can under­stand why: Port­able — it’s easi­er to carry one eRead­er loaded with a few hun­dred (or thou­sand!) books Search­able — some of the eRead­ers can  scan and search for text pas­sages, let­ting you book­mark them for future reference Annota­tions — in…

  • On Books. Information objects of pulp, ink, leather and glue.

    Lately I’ve been test­ing, review­ing and think­ing about eBooks and eBook read­ers, which has got me to won­der­ing about the value of a ‘real’ book, the dead-tree kind. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here. XJAQ4AZDSF5T