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Month: July 2007

  • Online backup one of Time’s top 50 websites for 2007

    Odds are, if you’re read­ing this, you’ll have read one of my pre­vi­ous art­icles about Mozy, a free (and sub­scrip­tion based) online backup service. Well, Time magazine has selec­ted Mozy as one of their top 50 web­sites for this year. Now, which pos­i­tion is actu­ally up to you and me. You see, Time has this…

  • Keep your RSS feeds under control with Google Reader

    With all the dif­fer­ent types of media com­ing at me elec­tron­ic­ally these days, I’m always look­ing for ways to bet­ter man­age the flow through the firehose. One fea­ture that I’ve just dis­covered, though it’s been in the applic­a­tion for a while, is the Trends view of your Google Read­er habits. Yes, we all know that…

  • Avoiding social media burnout by getting organized

    If you work and live in the social media uni­verse, as I do, then you’ll appre­ci­ate these five tips to integ­rate social media into your lives — by Shel Holtz (author, social media and pod­cast­ing guru). It’s very easy to stay dis­trac­ted with all the social media options these days, but by get­ting organ­ized and…

  • One year of OpenDNS

    Yep, the free ser­vice that I use to replace my ISPs DNS has turned one. It’s been quite a year of growth, and I star­ted using OpenDNS back in March, but for me, it’s been pretty smooth. The coolest fea­tures that I use are short­cuts and spelling cor­rec­tion. If I type want to vis­it this…

  • Twitter: It can make you psychic

    Or, at least, seem to be. So says Clive Thompson in a recent Wired art­icle: And when my four closest friends and world­mates send me dozens of updates a week for five months, I begin to devel­op an almost tele­path­ic aware­ness of the people most import­ant to me. It’s like proprio­cep­tion, your body’s abil­ity to know…

  • Spock: Live long and prosper

    Anoth­er day, anoth­er beta with invites. Today we’re offer­ing some invites for Spock: Spock is the online lead­er in per­son­al search, help­ing users find and dis­cov­er people. With over one hun­dred mil­lion people already indexed and mil­lions added every day, Spock is build­ing the broad­est and deep­est people spe­cif­ic search engine. Want a Spock invite? Then…

  • Is the iPhone right for you?

    Walt Moss­berg (Wall Street Journ­al tech guy) has a video review that may help:   Inter­est­ing item, but it’s still too pricey for me.

  • To everything, there is a time…but make sure you make time.

    Heidi Miller has a great post on the need to ‘step away from the com­puter’ from time to time…and I heart­ily concur. It was a tough case, and I battled it for weeks. The first-round treat­ments did­n’t work–unplugging only called in armies of pod­caster­’s guilt. But in time, the dis­ease ran its course. The best…

  • Free blogging statistics even free-er

    Feed­burn­er has giv­en the blog­ging com­munity a great present today; Feed­burn­er Pro is now free. One of the many bene­fits that Feed­Burn­er pub­lish­ers will enjoy now that Feed­Burn­er is part of the Google fam­ily is a little some­thing we like to call, “more for free!” Begin­ning today, two of Feed­Burn­er­’s pre­vi­ously for-pay ser­vices, Total­Stats and MyBrand,…

  • Pownce: First impressions (and invites)

    Whilest the Apple iPhone hype machine con­tin­ues to churn onward, I thought I’d inject a bit of non-iPhone news into the stream, with a quick look (thanks to Chris Gar­rett) at a new social media applic­a­tion — Pownce. If you’re famil­i­ar with Twit­ter or Jaiku, then you’ll be right at home with Pownce. Adding friends, fol­low­ing…