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Twitter: It can make you psychic

Or, at least, seem to be. So says Clive Thompson in a recent Wired art­icle: And when my four closest friends and world­mates send me dozens of updates a week for five months, I begin to devel­op an almost tele­path­ic aware­ness of the people most import­ant to me. It’s like proprio­cep­tion, your body’s abil­ity to know…

Or, at least, seem to be. So says Clive Thompson in a recent Wired art­icle:

And when my four closest friends and world­mates send me dozens of updates a week for five months, I begin to devel­op an almost tele­path­ic aware­ness of the people most import­ant to me.

It’s like proprio­cep­tion, your body’s abil­ity to know where your limbs are. That sub­lim­in­al sense of ori­ent­a­tion is cru­cial for coördin­a­tion: It keeps you from acci­dent­ally bump­ing into objects, and it makes pos­sible amaz­ing feats of bal­ance and dexterity.

So what does this his­tory of social aware­ness mean? Well, really it means that you can have a sense of what your friends are up to. I know that as I write this, folks I fol­low in Bri­tain are enjoy­ing an even­ing. Friends in Brit­ish Columbia are still slav­ing away at their ter­min­als, or classes, or sum­mer jobs.

To say it in 140 char­ac­ters (or less) “Twit­ter allows me to Grok”.

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