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Spock: Live long and prosper

Anoth­er day, anoth­er beta with invites. Today we’re offer­ing some invites for Spock: Spock is the online lead­er in per­son­al search, help­ing users find and dis­cov­er people. With over one hun­dred mil­lion people already indexed and mil­lions added every day, Spock is build­ing the broad­est and deep­est people spe­cif­ic search engine. Want a Spock invite? Then…

Anoth­er day, anoth­er beta with invites. Today we’re offer­ing some invites for Spock:

Spock is the online lead­er in per­son­al search, help­ing users find and dis­cov­er people. With over one hun­dred mil­lion people already indexed and mil­lions added every day, Spock is build­ing the broad­est and deep­est people spe­cif­ic search engine.

Want a Spock invite? Then use my Con­tact Me page to send me your email address and I’ll get you one shortly.

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2 responses to “Spock: Live long and prosper”

  1. Rupert Schiessl Avatar

    Hi Brad,

    I am fol­low­ing with great interest the devel­op­ment of people research on the web and I’m wait­ing for what Spock will offer to us.
    I think their suc­ces will mainly depend on how they will man­age to com­mu­nic­ate the value of their product to their future users in terms of online vis­ib­il­ity, which is cur­rently an upcom­ing concept, not access­ible to every­one yet.


  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hi Rupert, thanks for your thoughts…

    Frankly, I’m not sure what to make of Spock yet. You have an excel­lent point about ‘com­mu­nic­ate the value of their product’, and I’m not sure they’ve done that effect­ively yet…hence my confusion.

    I’m not writ­ing it off yet though, I’m a fan of giv­ing beta products a good long run (gmail is still in beta :-), and am look­ing for­ward to what Spock becomes.

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