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Online backup one of Time’s top 50 websites for 2007

Odds are, if you’re read­ing this, you’ll have read one of my pre­vi­ous art­icles about Mozy, a free (and sub­scrip­tion based) online backup service. Well, Time magazine has selec­ted Mozy as one of their top 50 web­sites for this year. Now, which pos­i­tion is actu­ally up to you and me. You see, Time has this…

Odds are, if you’re read­ing this, you’ll have read one of my pre­vi­ous art­icles about Mozy, a free (and sub­scrip­tion based) online backup service.

Well, Time magazine has selec­ted Mozy as one of their top 50 web­sites for this year. Now, which pos­i­tion is actu­ally up to you and me. You see, Time has this nifty vot­ing gad­get that lets you select the spot you feel Mozy should be in.

Now Time is ask­ing users to rank the top 50. If you like Mozy, this is a great oppor­tun­ity to give us some props by vis­it­ing the Time web­site and giv­ing us an appro­pri­ate rank. So here’s how to help: when you get to the web­site, just slide the slider to some­thing like, say, 100, and click the sub­mit but­ton. We really appre­ci­ate the kudos!

Cool idea, and yeah, I like Mozy so I turned the volume up to 11, so to speak.

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