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Latest Ubuntu release unleashes my laptop

As some of you may know, my house­hold serv­er and my age­ing Com­paq Pres­ario R3230CA laptop both run Ubuntu. Well ima­gine my sur­prise when the latest upgrade to Ubuntu (7.04 Feisty Fawn) activ­ated the dormant WiFi hard­ware. Pre­vi­ous Ubuntu ver­sions did­n’t sup­port the Broad­com 802.11g wire­less, but judging from my happy res­ults, the Feisty Fawn…

As some of you may know, my house­hold serv­er and my age­ing Com­paq Pres­ario R3230CA laptop both run Ubuntu. Well ima­gine my sur­prise when the latest upgrade to Ubuntu (7.04 Feisty Fawn) activ­ated the dormant WiFi hard­ware. Pre­vi­ous Ubuntu ver­sions did­n’t sup­port the Broad­com 802.11g wire­less, but judging from my happy res­ults, the Feisty Fawn release does!


I’d been keep­ing Win­dows on the sys­tem to sup­port my WiFi, but now, I can actu­ally nuke it and run this puppy purely on Ubuntu. Sounds like an inter­est­ing experiment.

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2 responses to “Latest Ubuntu release unleashes my laptop”

  1. Ranger Bob Avatar

    I need to get the latest ver­sion soon. How hard is it to upgrade from pre­vi­ous 6.0.x releases?

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hey Ranger Bob dude, it’s really quite easy. Fire and for­get, in fact.

    Details in the Release Notes under Upgrad­ing:

    It worked for my x86 Ubuntu serv­er and my AMD64 laptop. I’m a happy camper!

    Let me know if you have issues, etc, always happy to help!

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