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Tag: software

  • Using your Android or iOS tablet as a second monitor

    As we’ve seen pre­vi­ously (The more screens, the bet­ter — Our guide to mul­tiple mon­it­ors ), hav­ing more screens to dis­trib­ute your desktop across can be a huge bene­fit to your com­put­ing experience. And as you’ll have noticed in the title, if you’ve got a tab­let, you can even bring it into the mix, as long…

  • Music in the Air, music everywhere

    A friend recently turned me on to one cool applic­a­tion that let’s me listen to syn­chron­ized music from all my net­worked devices at the same time. This is likely one of the coolest soft­ware enhance­ments I’ve made to my home listen­ing exper­i­ence in a long time.

  • A spacy new way to browse music on your iPad

    Listen­ing to music on your iPad is usu­ally a visu­ally-sparse affair. Load up your play­er, nav­ig­ate to your lib­rary, and select the muisc. Play, and do oth­er things. Not any more… Outta this world! Plan­et­ary is the new (and free!) app from Bloom Stu­di­os that gives new mean­ing to nav­ig­at­ing through your music col­lec­tion. To quote the…

  • DOS on the iPad? There’s an app for that.

    [UPDATE — looks like Apple has pulled it from the app store again] I’ve got a rather strange, yet fam­ily friendly habit — I tend to col­lect com­puter emu­lat­ors; soft­ware writ­ten for hard­ware, that acts like older hard­ware in order to run older software. With me so far? Over the last few years, Apple has been slowly…

  • Free photo app Instagram just got better

    The free and pop­u­lar instant pho­to­graphy shar­ing app for iOS, Ins­tagram, just pushed an update through — and it’s a nifty little update too! Aside from some bug fixes, two new fil­ters were added in the 1.0.7 update; Walden Hefe And one has been retrieved from the cut­ting room floor after a bit of a…

  • My top Apps of 2010

    Everyone’s got a Top ‘some­thing’ of the year list, so I thought I’d jump in with my picks for Top Apps of 2010 — with a little twist; only one app, per plat­form, amongst the 3 plat­forms I use (Win­dows, iOS (iPad), and Inter­net). Yes, Inter­net, for my pur­poses is a plat­form — it’s mostly…

  • Kobo eReader updated — much better!

    Though it’s a great device, I’ve always been a little dis­ap­poin­ted with my Kobo eRead­er. Sure, I got the cool black one, and it will let me read my ebooks, but the read­ing exper­i­ence was nev­er that pol­ished. It’s almost as if the soft­ware run­ning the eRead­er was unfinished. Some of the things that annoyed…

  • Apple just made my iPod Touch even more useful — not

    Today Apple (well, Steve Jobs) announced a num­ber of things at WWDC (Apple’s World Wide Developer­’s Conference). The one caught my atten­tion  was the announce­ment of iOS4 — the oper­at­ing sys­tem pre­vi­ously known as iPhone OS. Sure, there was a new iPhone, and a bunch of oth­er stuff, but I have an iPod Touch (2nd…

  • Are faster blogs more Google friendly?

    Per­haps. And if you’re look­ing to be found by Google, you want to do everything you can to make sure you’re not doing things to make the pro­cess harder. A month or so ago, Google announced that they’re rank­ing sys­tem would take page-load speed into con­sid­er­a­tion when determ­in­ing how to present search res­ults to vis­it­ors.…

  • Legacy Hardware loses flagship application

    Five years ago I mod­ded my first Xbox to cre­ate a Media Centre. The soft­ware I ran, and still run is the über awe­some XBMC (for Xbox Media Center). But now it seems that the days of using my ori­gin­al Xbox as a media cen­ter are numbered — the developers are stop­ping work for that…

  • Fat lady sings. Winners announced soon.

    Thus endith my first blog con­test. And a very cool ride it was. My good friends at Click­free, a Cana­dian backup tech­no­logy com­pany, agreed to provide the prizes (Click­free Trans­former SE) for a blog con­test chal­len­ging folks to provide there best (or worst I guess) backup hor­ror story. I’ve received some rather good entries. Check out the…

  • How to backup files across a network easily

    Before I start, a friendly remind­er that you only have a day left to enter the con­test for a free Click­free Trans­former backup sys­tem. Tell me a backup hor­ror story. It’s one thing to backup the files on your loc­al com­puter and anoth­er to backup files stored on oth­er com­puters on your net­work, or Net­work…