Month: April 2007
My GTD weekly review killed off my morning
Ok, as I said previously, I’ve fallen off the Getting Things Done (GTD) bandwagon and am slowly climbing back on. Today, being a Monday, it’s my day to do my Weekly Review — gather up all the outstanding items, tasks, projects, and other unorganized ‘stuff’, process it, and then review EVERYTHING. “Hello, Afternoon? Yes, it’s Brad…
Great tool for the savvy website developer
If you work in the website development field and use firefox (as you should) then make sure you download and install this handy Search Status toolbar, which I found whilst reading Chris Garret’s site. I’m not one to jump on the ‘new tool’ bandwagon just because someone say’s it’s cool, but this one is an…
Getting things done with your iPod Nano
I’ve been an on-again off-again user of David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) system for a few years now. If you follow the GTD system, you’ll be aware that one of the things to do is create a system that is easy and always available. This has been my downfall on more than one occasion.…
Web Dogma — is it still relevant?
Last year I linked to an interview with Eric Reiss over at Boxes and Arrows. The interview explores the thoughts that went into creating the Web Dogma: Web Dogma 2006 Anything that exists only to satisfy the internal politics of the site owner must be eliminated. Anything that exists only to satisfy the ego of the designer…
When do you own the gear you buy?
Two articles recently crossed my desk: Content in lockdown — Tom Yager, I’m increasingly aghast at the erosion of the traditional freedom we’ve enjoyed to do whatever we please with our personal computers — but intrigued by the science behind it. Your Right to Repair — CAA Driver’s Seat Imagine taking your vehicle to your long-time…
Guilty vacation pleasures — here’s my top 10 list
Being on vacation is not really conducive to creating a blog post; it’s more about unwinding, relaxing and having fun. So, since I am on vacation, I thought I’d blog about some of the guilty vacation pleasures I’m enjoying…things you don’t normally find the time to do in your everyday hustle and bustle. So, in…