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Month: April 2007

  • My GTD weekly review killed off my morning

    Ok, as I said pre­vi­ously, I’ve fallen off the Get­ting Things Done (GTD) band­wag­on and am slowly climb­ing back on. Today, being a Monday, it’s my day to do my Weekly Review — gath­er up all the out­stand­ing items, tasks, pro­jects, and oth­er unor­gan­ized ‘stuff’, pro­cess it, and then review EVERYTHING. “Hello, After­noon? Yes, it’s Brad…

  • Latest Ubuntu release unleashes my laptop

    As some of you may know, my house­hold serv­er and my age­ing Com­paq Pres­ario R3230CA laptop both run Ubuntu. Well ima­gine my sur­prise when the latest upgrade to Ubuntu (7.04 Feisty Fawn) activ­ated the dormant WiFi hard­ware. Pre­vi­ous Ubuntu ver­sions did­n’t sup­port the Broad­com 802.11g wire­less, but judging from my happy res­ults, the Feisty Fawn…

  • Great tool for the savvy website developer

    If you work in the web­site devel­op­ment field and use fire­fox (as you should) then make sure you down­load and install this handy Search Status tool­bar, which I found whilst read­ing Chris Gar­ret’s site. I’m not one to jump on the  ‘new tool’ band­wag­on just because someone say’s it’s cool, but this one is an…

  • Getting things done with your iPod Nano

    I’ve been an on-again off-again user of Dav­id Allen’s Get­ting Things Done (GTD) sys­tem for a few years now. If you fol­low the GTD sys­tem, you’ll be aware that one of the things to do is cre­ate a sys­tem that is easy and always avail­able. This has been my down­fall on more than one occasion.…

  • Web Dogma — is it still relevant?

    Last year I linked to an inter­view with Eric Reiss over at Boxes and Arrows. The inter­view explores the thoughts that went into cre­at­ing the Web Dogma: Web Dogma 2006 Any­thing that exists only to sat­is­fy the intern­al polit­ics of the site own­er must be eliminated. Any­thing that exists only to sat­is­fy the ego of the design­er…

  • When do you own the gear you buy?

    Two art­icles recently crossed my desk: Con­tent in lock­down — Tom Yager, I’m increas­ingly aghast at the erosion of the tra­di­tion­al free­dom we’ve enjoyed to do whatever we please with our per­son­al com­puters — but intrigued by the sci­ence behind it. Your Right to Repair — CAA Driver­’s Seat Ima­gine tak­ing your vehicle to your long-time…

  • Guilty vacation pleasures — here’s my top 10 list

    Being on vaca­tion is not really con­du­cive to cre­at­ing a blog post; it’s more about unwind­ing, relax­ing and hav­ing fun. So, since I am on vaca­tion, I thought I’d blog about some of the guilty vaca­tion pleas­ures I’m enjoying…things you don’t nor­mally find the time to do in your every­day hustle and bustle. So, in…