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My GTD weekly review killed off my morning

Ok, as I said pre­vi­ously, I’ve fallen off the Get­ting Things Done (GTD) band­wag­on and am slowly climb­ing back on. Today, being a Monday, it’s my day to do my Weekly Review — gath­er up all the out­stand­ing items, tasks, pro­jects, and oth­er unor­gan­ized ‘stuff’, pro­cess it, and then review EVERYTHING. “Hello, After­noon? Yes, it’s Brad…

Ok, as I said pre­vi­ously, I’ve fallen off the Get­ting Things Done (GTD) band­wag­on and am slowly climb­ing back on.

Today, being a Monday, it’s my day to do my Weekly Review — gath­er up all the out­stand­ing items, tasks, pro­jects, and oth­er unor­gan­ized ‘stuff’, pro­cess it, and then review EVERYTHING.

Hello, After­noon? Yes, it’s Brad here, I’m afraid I’m going to have to can­cel all the things I had planned for you today as my Weekly Review took far longer than I anti­cip­ated, we can res­ched­ule for tomor­row ‘eh?”

And that’s how it went. From past exper­i­ence, I know this is nor­mal, but man, did I ever for­get how long that first one takes.

But boy, do I now feel much bet­ter about my stuff, and I do know where my tow­el is.

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