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Tag: GTD

  • Interesting business model for eBook

    Earli­er this week I found an eBook over on Zen­Hab­its. The book looks inter­est­ing and I’m look­ing for­ward to giv­ing it a read, but the think that caught my eye was the busi­ness mod­el; you can get the book for free. The whole book, as a down­load­able eBook. Free. Now, there is a Premi­um ver­sion…

  • One way to Get Stuff Done [video]

    Anoth­er Fri­day and anoth­er video — this time deal­ing with time man­age­ment and organization. The video details how the fine folk at BlueSky­Fact­ory like to organ­ize their day and their work­load. Not exactly my cup of tea — I’m cur­rently exper­i­ment­ing with the Pomodoro sys­tem described by Tris Hus­sey on his blog. But it is…

  • ToDo and Do and Do

    Recently I dis­covered a nifty little iPhone / iPod app that simply keeps ToDo lists. And when you get busy, there’s noth­ing more reas­sur­ing than a good, func­tion­al ToDo list. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • Getting Things Done with Gmail?

    Usu­ally Google Apps for Busi­ness is the last of Googles free online applic­a­tion suites to receive new fea­tures, but ever since Google enabled Google Labs with­in Apps for Busi­ness, new fea­tures are rolled at the same time. Today Gmail received a simple Task List manager: Like many of Google’s enhance­ments, it’s a very simple imple­ment­a­tion —…

  • Did you Get Things Done? Measuring productivity with RescueTime.

    Last time I men­tioned this great little Two Minute timer to help you man­age your GTD Processing. Well, that’s great for when you’re actu­ally hard at work and try­ing to be pro­duct­ive, but what about after­wards — when you want to know just what you spent your time doing (or not doing!). Do you trust your…

  • On time management and GTD

    photo cred­it: jazz­mas­ter­son Lately I’ve been work­ing with a few tools that help me stream­line my vari­ous tasks and work­flows. Over the next few posts, I’ll dive into them and my reas­ons for using them. First off, the Two Minute Timer. If you’ve been been under a rock for the last few years then this ref­er­ence…

  • This will surely free more of your valuable time

    Tim Fer­riss (4 Hour Work Week) lists 9 items in his ‘Not To Do List’ that make sense and will free up your time. I already do num­ber 1, and try to do num­ber 4: 1. Do not answer calls from unre­cog­nized phone num­bersFeel free to sur­prise oth­ers, but don’t be sur­prised. It just res­ults in…

  • My ‘I might be crazy’ goal: wake up at 5:00

    I’d read this cool post on the 10 Bene­fits of Rising Early, and How to Do It, and, after care­fully review­ing the sec­tion on how to do it, thought I’d give it a chance. Don’t make drastic changes. Start slowly, by wak­ing just 15–30 minutes earli­er than usu­al. Get used to this for a few days.…

  • My GTD weekly review killed off my morning

    Ok, as I said pre­vi­ously, I’ve fallen off the Get­ting Things Done (GTD) band­wag­on and am slowly climb­ing back on. Today, being a Monday, it’s my day to do my Weekly Review — gath­er up all the out­stand­ing items, tasks, pro­jects, and oth­er unor­gan­ized ‘stuff’, pro­cess it, and then review EVERYTHING. “Hello, After­noon? Yes, it’s Brad…

  • Getting things done with your iPod Nano

    I’ve been an on-again off-again user of Dav­id Allen’s Get­ting Things Done (GTD) sys­tem for a few years now. If you fol­low the GTD sys­tem, you’ll be aware that one of the things to do is cre­ate a sys­tem that is easy and always avail­able. This has been my down­fall on more than one occasion.…