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Great tool for the savvy website developer

If you work in the web­site devel­op­ment field and use fire­fox (as you should) then make sure you down­load and install this handy Search Status tool­bar, which I found whilst read­ing Chris Gar­ret’s site. I’m not one to jump on the  ‘new tool’ band­wag­on just because someone say’s it’s cool, but this one is an…

If you work in the web­site devel­op­ment field and use fire­fox (as you should) then make sure you down­load and install this handy Search Status tool­bar, which I found whilst read­ing Chris Gar­ret’s site.

I’m not one to jump on the  ‘new tool’ band­wag­on just because someone say’s it’s cool, but this one is an excep­tion for me.

Once installed, you eas­ily have an instant Search Engine Optim­iz­a­tion or tech­nic­al per­spect­ive of any page dis­played in your browser; Google PageR­ank, Alexa, meta tags, nofol­low links, robots.txt file dump, and web­site whois detail.

Now, you likely have book­marks for all these resources all over your browser, but this tool­bar brings them all into one handy, and live display…very cool!

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