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I’m Crazy and I’m gaming for 24 hours for an amazing cause! Sponsor Me!

Update: Beam­dog just dog-piled on with 6 clas­sic Dun­geons & Dragons games! Bioware just jumped in to sup­port me! Cool prizes for donors. I’ve added my Gam­ing Sched­ule. I’m kinda into gam­ing — y’all know that. And I’m into my dogs — ya’ll know that too. So when an oppor­tun­ity like this popped up, I could­n’t…

Cool! Playing pandemic online.

I’m kinda into gam­ing — y’all know that. And I’m into my dogs — ya’ll know that too.

So when an oppor­tun­ity like this popped up, I could­n’t resist.

Sponsor Me!

On Feb­ru­ary 27th, start­ing at 7pm, I’m going to be gam­ing my ass off, gam­ing for 24 hours straight. Board games, Video games, card games, whatever! I fig­ure that this will get me out of my vast game defi­cit I’ve been accu­mu­lat­ing over the last few years.

And I can help a great charity at the same time.

UNDERDOGCaliC­an Res­cue is the organ­iz­a­tion we foster for, and they’re also the folks that brought Bog­art into our lives. They do amaz­ing work, and have res­cued over 400 small dogs to date. And they have a great dogu­ment­ary show­ing why and how they do, what they do if you wanted to find out more about them and why we love them!

So this is where you come in.

Spon­sor Me! I’m fig­ure I’m going to be hurt­ing at about Hour 13, and have a ser­i­ous case of Con­sole Claw at about Hour 20. Help me stay focused. Inspire me to keep on gam­ing. Spon­sor Me — you can be the reas­on that I stick it out the whole 24 hours!

It’s easy. Just vis­it this link at and make a small dona­tion — any will do (thank you in advance!)

And then cheer me on! Go Team Brad! On the 27th, Join me online. I’ll be updat­ing Social Media and this Blog reg­u­larly with game res­ults, updates, sleep-deprived com­ments and oth­er fun stuff. You may see me at my dopi­est! Cheer me or Jeer me, but have fun with me!

Or, if you want, let’s hook up online and play some­thing! I’m open to sug­ges­tions. I’ll post a sched­ule when I get my act together.

But back to the why.

It does take a lot of time, energy, and money to keep an organ­iz­a­tion like CaliC­an run­ning. Time and energy are at a premi­um around here, but I think that it’s some­times easi­er to like a cause and wish you could help out. Well this is one way I know I can. I’ll be pinging you, my peeps, quite reg­u­larly over the next few weeks. Not only through the Twit­ter, but I hear that there’s this thing called Email. Pretty effect­ive too, I’m told.

CaliC­an is an organ­iz­a­tion we believe in, and one we enjoy help­ing. So help us, help them. Spon­sor Me, and then join me online on the 27 to cheer me on, or laugh as I lose every game I play.

Go Team Brad!



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