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A Classic Dungeon Crawling Silent Auction — for charity!

Thanks to the kind friends at Beam­dog I’m able to up the ante for incent­ives to my spon­sors of my 24hr game-a-thon par­ti­cip­a­tion in Play4Paws2 — sup­port­ing CaliC­an Res­cue Found­a­tion. Butt Kicking, for Goodness! Bal­dur’s Gate. Bal­dur’s Gate II: Shad­ows of Amn, Icewind Dale. These games hold a spe­cial place in my heart. I was at…

Thanks to the kind friends at Beam­dog I’m able to up the ante for incent­ives to my spon­sors of my 24hr game-a-thon par­ti­cip­a­tion in Play4Paws2 — sup­port­ing CaliC­an Res­cue Found­a­tion.

Butt Kicking, for Goodness!

Bal­dur’s Gate. Bal­dur’s Gate II: Shad­ows of Amn, Icewind Dale. These games hold a spe­cial place in my heart. I was at the Edmon­ton Bal­dur’s Gate launch party when I was cov­er­ing it for loc­al TV news. Then later, when I worked for BioWare, I con­trib­uted to the mar­ket­ing and com­mu­nic­a­tions efforts of these games and the Infin­ity Engine that they’re built on.

At the time, there was abso­lutely noth­ing else that could bring the true D&D exper­i­ence, the party-dun­geon-crawl­ing-holy-crap-is-that-a-Behold­er exper­i­ence to the com­puter as these games did.

So, through the help of Beam­dog, I’ve got cop­ies of the Enhanced Edi­tion ver­sions of these games. And Vir­gin­ia, they are enhanced — for example, the Bal­dur’s Gate Enhanced Edition:

Run­ning on an upgraded and improved ver­sion of the Infin­ity Engine, Bal­dur’s Gate: Enhanced Edi­tion includes the entire Bal­dur’s Gate adven­ture, the Tales of the Sword Coast expan­sion pack, and nev­er-before-seen con­tent includ­ing a new adven­ture and three new party mem­bers: the Cal­ishite monk Rasaad yn Bashir, Neera the wild mage, and Dorn Il-Khan, the evil blackguard.

I want my BGII and so do you!

Here’s how you can sup­port my fun­drais­ing efforts through a silent auc­tion and get one of these amaz­ingly enga­ging and chal­len­ging Dun­geons & Dragons world games, specifically:

The silent auc­tion is over at a Face­book event page. The rules of the auc­tion are pretty simple:

  • The auc­tion will be live until I’m done my 24hr game-a-thon at 7pm on Feb­ru­ary 28th.
  • I’ve cre­ated one post per item available.
  • Bid by pla­cing a com­ment in the item you want to bid on.
  • Highest bid at the time I fin­ish gam­ing on the 28th claims the auc­tion item.
  • I’ll inform auc­tion win­ners via FB mes­sage and/or reply in the rel­ev­ant auction.
  • After you’ve been noti­fied, place your con­tri­bu­tion at the Play4Paws2 dona­tion page at —
  • I’ll for­ward the win­ner­’s details on to Beam­dog — they’ll con­tact you regard­ing claim­ing your game through Beamdog.

Simple no? So why are you still here and not over there bidding!

Thanks for your sup­port, and see you online on the 27–28th. I’ll need your sup­port and encour­age­ment then too, either through Face­book, Twit­ter, or maybe even through a livestream… stay tuned!




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