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Can I buy your support? It’s for a great cause.

Update: Beam­dog just dog-piled on with 6 clas­sic Dun­geons & Dragons games! I’ve added my Gam­ing Sched­ule. If you read this post (I’m Crazy and I’m gam­ing for 24 hours for an amaz­ing cause! Spon­sor Me!) then you know that I’m doing a bit of fun­drais­ing for my favour­ite dog res­cue — CaliC­an Res­cue. But I’ve…


If you read this post (I’m Crazy and I’m gam­ing for 24 hours for an amaz­ing cause! Spon­sor Me!) then you know that I’m doing a bit of fun­drais­ing for my favour­ite dog res­cue — CaliC­an Res­cue.

But I’ve noticed that I’ve still not received any spon­sor­ships, even though I’ve gone to the extraordin­ary effort of post­ing once about it on Face­book, and writ­ing the afore­men­tioned blog post. Hmm, I think I need some­thing more to get my friends involved. 🙂

So, unlike Rene (one of CaliC­an’s awe­some head honchos), I’ll not be wager­ing any­thing that brings (or does­n’t bring) a razor near my noggin.

Rather, I thought I’d reach out to some friends at BioWare and see if they can provide assistance.

And they have. Behold!

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My friends at Bioware have gen­er­ously donated the per­fect things for gam­ing into the wee small hours. And I get to give them away to folk who spon­sor me!

  • Toques
  • Con­tigo water bottles
  • Con­tigo hot drink travellers
  • A couple of oth­er branded drink containers
  • Bioware pens
  • A nice, light­weight Bioware backpack!

The details

Now, giv­en the anti­cip­ated high demand for these premi­er branded items we’re look­ing for a min­im­um dona­tion of $20.00. One dona­tion per item. And we’ll fig­ure some­thing out for the pens. 🙂

We’ve only got a couple of each item — what you see in the photo is what we’ve got — so I anti­cip­ate the more pop­u­lar ones will go quickly, espe­cially the toques… come on! Bioware inven­ted the gamer toque (or bean­ie as it’s called else­where)… I know, I was with the com­pany at the time!

But any­way, there you go. Bioware branded swag and the warm fuzzy feel­ing of sup­port­ing one of the best dog res­cue organ­iz­a­tions on the planet.

Simply by spon­sor­ing me 🙂

(oh, and after you’ve done that (thank you!) just send me an email and we’ll fig­ure out how to get your swag to you — brad­b­log At



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