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From the It Must Be Christmas Holiday App Deals dept.

It seems like a few of the good strategy and board games are going on sale now on the Apple App Store as qual­ity pub­lish­ers have star­ted cut­ting prices  reveal­ing their hol­i­day app deals. I’ve played these games and do recom­mend them as valu­able addi­tions to your iOS gam­ing col­lec­tion. Prices are dis­coun­ted at the time…

It seems like a few of the good strategy and board games are going on sale now on the Apple App Store as qual­ity pub­lish­ers have star­ted cut­ting prices  reveal­ing their hol­i­day app deals.

I’ve played these games and do recom­mend them as valu­able addi­tions to your iOS gam­ing col­lec­tion. Prices are dis­coun­ted at the time of this post, but they may change at the whim of the publisher.

And on with the deals:

Talis­man - A great con­ver­sion from the well-known adven­ture board game. Reduced to @2.99 from $6.99.




Small World 2 — Huge dis­count (9.99 -> 2.99) for this sequel to strategy board game of the year. Well worth pick­ing up at any price.. a steal here 😉




Battle Academy — Derived from an ori­gin­al BBC online game concept, Battle Academy blends intu­it­ive design, com­pel­ling game­play and tech­nic­al innov­a­tion. Reduced to $9.99 from $19.99. Yes, a premi­um priced title that gets you hours of enga­ging gameplay.




Drive on Moscow: War in the Snow — Half-priced. Full value. Great strategy present­a­tion of the pivotal battle for Moscow in WWII.




Pan­zer Corps — Grognards rejoice! Con­sidered teh spir­itu­al suc­cessor to the Pan­zer Gen­er­al series, Pan­zer Corps is the closest you can cur­rently get to ser­i­ous armor strategy on the iPad. Reduced from $6.99 to $2.99.










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