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Tag: iOS Apps

  • From the It Must Be Christmas Holiday App Deals dept.

    It seems like a few of the good strategy and board games are going on sale now on the Apple App Store as qual­ity pub­lish­ers have star­ted cut­ting prices  reveal­ing their hol­i­day app deals. I’ve played these games and do recom­mend them as valu­able addi­tions to your iOS gam­ing col­lec­tion. Prices are dis­coun­ted at the time…

  • My iOS App Picks for 2014 — eBook Readers

    It’s that time of year again — the year is end­ing, com­ing to a close. And we often take time to look back at things we’ve done. In my case, I thought I’d look back at the iOS apps that have most engaged me over the last year. I’ll basic­ally select a ‘win­ner’ and a ‘run­ner…