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Month: December 2014

  • Brushstroke — a rather cool iOS filter app

    I love the idea of tak­ing a good pho­to­graph­ic image and manip­u­lat­ing it so it looks like it was a paint­ing. It fol­lows then, that I quite enjoy exper­i­ment­ing and find­ing a cool ios fil­ter app that facil­it­ates this. I like see­ing how tech­nic­ally gif­ted people have cre­ated soft­ware to ‘see’ as a water­col­our artist sees, or…

  • Testing Duet — an OS X display extender app for iPad

    You’ve prob­ably seen the online hype around Duet — an OS X dis­play extender app for iPad. Basic­ally it’s sup­posed to allow you to extend your cur­rent desktop screen to an iPad — just as if you had an extra mon­it­or. Oth­er apps already do this, but Duet’s claim to fame is it will extend…

  • From the It Must Be Christmas Holiday App Deals dept.

    It seems like a few of the good strategy and board games are going on sale now on the Apple App Store as qual­ity pub­lish­ers have star­ted cut­ting prices  reveal­ing their hol­i­day app deals. I’ve played these games and do recom­mend them as valu­able addi­tions to your iOS gam­ing col­lec­tion. Prices are dis­coun­ted at the time…

  • Currently Free: iOS Skullduggery! (was $4.99)

    Cur­rently Free: iOS Skulldug­gery! (was $4.99) — — Brad Gri­er (@bgrier) Decem­ber 17, 2014

  • My iOS App Picks for 2014 — iOS Photo Apps

    I tend to keep my pho­to­graphy over on iPad­Dark­room, but since I’m writ­ing about iOS photo apps that I’ve dis­covered or have dom­in­ated my work this year, it seemed fit­ting to look at apps that have influ­enced my photo work. You’ve likely seen some work cre­ated with these apps before, but they’re worth pro­fil­ing again as…

  • My iOS App Picks for 2014 — Role Playing Games

    Over the year I’ve had a little bit of time to play the occa­sion­al iOS Role Play­ing Game (RPG). What I like in an RPG is good sol­id story and char­ac­ter devel­op­ment. And it’s through that lens that I’ve selec­ted my picks for Role Play­ing Games of 2014.

  • My iOS App Picks for 2014 — eBook Readers

    It’s that time of year again — the year is end­ing, com­ing to a close. And we often take time to look back at things we’ve done. In my case, I thought I’d look back at the iOS apps that have most engaged me over the last year. I’ll basic­ally select a ‘win­ner’ and a ‘run­ner…

  • Hoplite — hex-based tactical strategy game currently free (was $1.99)

    Worth get­ting — simple to learn and enga­ging (my pre­vi­ous review)  — Hoplite’s a great (and cur­rently free) addi­tion to your iOS games chest. Here’s what Pock­et Tac­tics had to say on it: What’s truly spec­tac­u­lar about Hoplite is that it man­ages to boil down the essen­tials of a rogue­like-alike to the point where it’s a…

  • Tempting — Battlelore: Command

    Yeah, this little gem looks pretty cool. Yes, it comes in a bit  pricy at under $10, but then again, it looks like there’s some ser­i­ous game­play value. The fine folks at Pock­etTactics pulled togeth­er a rather pos­it­ive review: I’m start­ing to feel a bit spoiled. Ser­i­ously, what was the last major board game release that…

  • Things you find when cleaning out your Google contacts

    If you’ve got a Gmail account, you’ve got Google Con­tacts. These are entries of all the folks you’ve ever emailed with Gmail, or inter­ac­ted with in any oth­er Google property. We’re work­ing on a Christ­mas pro­ject and wanted to get a good list of friends, so I pulled my con­tacts from my Gmail account. Over…

  • Any landing you can walk away from…

    Many of you will know that in my (admit­tedly rare) massively mul­ti­play­er com­puter gam­ing time, I’ve moved away from World of Tanks to WarThunder.  Sim­il­ar concept except instead of driv­ing tanks, you’re driv­ing planes. Cool thing is they’ve got three levels of soph­ist­ic­a­tion (Arcade, Real­ist­ic, Sim­u­lat­or). Also cool, that Arcade is actu­ally quite tough. WarThun­der an…