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Hoplite — hex-based tactical strategy game currently free (was $1.99)

Worth get­ting — simple to learn and enga­ging (my pre­vi­ous review)  — Hoplite’s a great (and cur­rently free) addi­tion to your iOS games chest. Here’s what Pock­et Tac­tics had to say on it: What’s truly spec­tac­u­lar about Hoplite is that it man­ages to boil down the essen­tials of a rogue­like-alike to the point where it’s a…

Worth get­ting — simple to learn and enga­ging (my pre­vi­ous review)  — Hoplite’s a great (and cur­rently free) addi­tion to your iOS games chest. Here’s what Pock­et Tac­tics had to say on it:

What’s truly spec­tac­u­lar about Hoplite is that it man­ages to boil down the essen­tials of a rogue­like-alike to the point where it’s a puzzle, with a rigid focus on the move­ment of pieces. At the same time, the game doles out just enough ran­dom­ness and RPG lev­el­ing to keep things fresh.

(full review)

Get it at the App Store.






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