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What is it about a Moleskine?

It’s a note­book, plain and simple. A very well-made note­book, to be sure. It is, per­haps, a premi­um note­book (which would jus­ti­fy the price). I know, I have one. And it’s quite nice. Yet, Mole­skine is also a brand that brings a lot of emo­tion and sen­ti­ment to the humble note­book. Note­books are about remem­ber­ing things,…

ms1.jpgIt’s a note­book, plain and simple. A very well-made note­book, to be sure. It is, per­haps, a premi­um note­book (which would jus­ti­fy the price). I know, I have one. And it’s quite nice.

Yet, Mole­skine is also a brand that brings a lot of emo­tion and sen­ti­ment to the humble note­book. Note­books are about remem­ber­ing things, writ­ing them down to have later — and the Mole­skine brand is based around the concept of being the best note­book you can use to remem­ber. Just check out this descrip­tion from the Mole­skine web­site’s about page:

Mole­skine was cre­ated as a brand in 1997, bring­ing back to life the legendary note­book used by artists and thinkers over the past two cen­tur­ies: among them Vin­cent van Gogh, Pablo Picas­so, Ern­est Hem­ing­way, and Bruce Chatwin. A trus­ted and handy travel com­pan­ion, the name­less black note­book held invalu­able sketches, notes, stor­ies, and ideas that would one day become fam­ous paint­ings or the pages of beloved books.



Today, the name Mole­skine encom­passes a fam­ily of nomad­ic objects: note­books, diar­ies, journ­als, bags, writ­ing instru­ments and read­ing accessor­ies, ded­ic­ated to our mobile iden­tity. Indis­pens­able com­pan­ions to the cre­at­ive  pro­fes­sions and the ima­gin­a­tion of our times: they are intim­ately tied to the digit­al world.



A lot of fam­ous people use(d) Mole­sk­ines, and a lot of people wax elo­quently about the vir­tues of the notebook.

And now, they can do the same about the free offi­cial Mole­skine app, for iPad and iPhone / iPod Touch:

The offi­cial Mole­skine App for iPhone and iPad allows you to express your cre­ativ­ity through text, images and sketches. Pick a clas­sic Mole­skine note­book paper style, cre­ate a new thought and start to type or draw choos­ing amongst dif­fer­ent col­ors and sizes. Once you are done with your thought, you can store it on your device and make edits whenev­er you want.


  • Pick a Mole­skine note­book paper style: plain, ruled, squared
  • Write and edit a text note
  • Sketch­ing tool
  • Insert and play with your per­son­al images
  • Cata­logue as many memor­ies as you want with a full range of categories
  • Play with images provided by Moleskine
  • Geo-tag each note cre­ated and cre­ate a vir­tu­al map of your memories
  • Share your notes with friends through email or social networks

Of course, the Mole­skine app is also a mar­ket­ing tool to get the Mole­skine name on your iOS device, get you com­fort­able and famil­i­ar with the Mole­skine name, and pre­sum­ably get you curi­ous about the actu­al paper notebook.

Mar­ket­ing aside, the app is a fairly good note­book app, with some inter­est­ing fea­tures. And it’s free, so what have you got to lose — maybe it’ll work for you, as the ori­gin­al note­book worked for Hem­ing­way, back in the day.
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