Month: April 2011
Silent Film Director now less silent
Just a quick update, the cool old-timey movie making app for iPhone (and yes, it does run on the iPad too) just received an update that brings the number of available soundtracks up to 8. And yeah, it’s a pretty cool app, especially if you’ve been wanting to play around with movie making on your iOS…
Disaster Tech
Like many of you, I’ve been watching the events in Japan continue to unfold, and perhaps thinking to myself, “I’m glad something that devastating didn’t happen here”. But what if it did, would you be prepared? I like to think that I am, but sadly, I’m probably not. Yes, I have a first aid kit, and I’ve…
Review: Drobo FS Network Storage Array
Wow, that title’s a mouthful — Network Storage Array — but don’t let that technical-jargony sounding term scare you, this Drobo FS device is really as easy to use as your Fridge. And for me, that’s a Holy Grail — something that you use and basically forget the complexity. Whut? But let me back up…
Another way to count the vote
Canada isn’t the only nation having an election in May. Folks in the United Kingdom go to the polls on May 5th — and when they do, they’ll not only be selecting their leaders, they’ll be voting on a referendum to change they way votes are counted. And this has the chance to really make…
More Gagarin Goodness…
Earlier today I noticed the Google Doodle pointing to resources about Yuri Gagarin’s (and mankind’s) first orbit of the Earth. A few moments ago @mynameiskate pointed me at the YouTube logo — modified too — and links to First Orbit a free feature-length movie about Gagarin’s flight: A real time recreation of Yuri Gagarin’s pioneering…
Only 50? Seems longer…
Only 50 years ago today, a significant milestone in the space race was achieved, launching a man, the Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin, beyond the atmosphere and into a single orbit of the Earth. Lots of cool space and Gagarin related info found via Google today; they also provided the cool animation on their doodle — just float…
Oldschool Atari games arrive on the iPad [video]
This video review of the new (and free with Pong) Atari’s Greatest Hits app gives you a great overview of the games and functionality. Pair it with the upcoming iCade hardware iPad arcade cabinet and you’ve got a winner!
Unleash your inner Spielberg
I’m sure all of us have, at one point or another, dreamed of releasing that movie director deep inside, and making our own movie, complete with music and special effects. Well, if your dream is to make one that hearkens back to the golden days of silent cinema, then I’ve got an inexpensive app for you.…
Not an April Fools Joke: Trainz for iPad
Ever since the Apple II days, I’ve been a flight simulator geek. I’ve always been interested in aviation, but due to my less-than-perfect eyesight, a career as a pilot wasn’t in the cards. But that didn’t dim my interest in aviation. And given my interest in computers & technology, it seemed natural that I’d gravitate…
A Photo Project, An Update, and a Contest?
Earlier today the folks behind one of my favourite iOS digital darkroom apps (FX Photo Studio) announced a great new collaborative photography app and project, in the form of a contest: As a gesture of appreciation to its loyal fans, MacPhun is also developing the first ever jointly collaborated, free standalone wallpaper app that will…