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The Craft of iPad Music-making [Video]

Won­der­ing what all the fuss is about with Apple announ­cing the iPad ver­sion of Gar­age Band? This video will help demonstrate. From The Future of Music V: The Craft of iPad Music-mak­ing” event, Feb­ru­ary 3rd, 2011. At this spe­cial even­ing event, attendees heard and saw the music­al and visu­al res­ults as lead­ing elec­tron­ic artists per­formed live.…


Won­der­ing what all the fuss is about with Apple announ­cing the iPad ver­sion of Gar­age Band? This video will help demonstrate.

From The Future of Music V: The Craft of iPad Music-mak­ing” event, Feb­ru­ary 3rd, 2011.

At this spe­cial even­ing event, attendees heard and saw the music­al and visu­al res­ults as lead­ing elec­tron­ic artists per­formed live. Harry Allen returned to mod­er­ate dis­cus­sion between four cut­ting-edge artists: Peter Kirn, Oliv­er Chesler, Steve Horel­ick, and Joshue Ott.


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