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Month: September 2010

  • This is the week that was

    Busy busy week! Cool new innov­a­tion both from Google and from a guy that hacked a Google-like thing togeth­er in 3 hours. Also some shady deal­ings in Farm­Ville, and some new dates from Microsoft and Apple… …more This post of is one of many I pub­lish weekly at the Future Shop Techb­log. Read more of my stuff…

  • Hardware hacks — do you do it?

    You go out, you buy some tech, and it works. Excel­lent. But haven’t you ever wanted it to do more? For example, your in-home WiFi is kinda weak — router is OK, but you’ve needed more range out of it to reach the oth­er end of your house. That’s a hack, wait­ing to hap­pen. There’s…

  • I can haz Ikea? [video]

    Ran­dom­ness. 100 cats released into an Ikea store overnight, just to see what hap­pens. Fun!

  • Free and good? It’s for the birds!

    Actu­ally it’s for you and me, and I’m refer­ring to the free online suite of tools that flies under the Avi­ary ban­ner. Actu­ally, it’s more than a suite of tools, Avi­ary is also a com­munity by and for con­tent creators: At Avi­ary, we believe that every­one in the world should have access to power­ful cre­ation…

  • Offline, yet intune!

    If you were look­ing for my weekly ‘This is the week that was’ post, please accept my apo­lo­gies — I was camp­ing in the wilds of cent­ral Alberta with nary a cell tower with­in range. Which means I was off­line for 3 days. Which was actu­ally kind of cool and refresh­ing because it ties in quite…

  • Making music on the iPad

    In the pre­vi­ous item I men­tioned that I’d not yet tested out Seline HD, an iPad app. Well, I have now, and yes, it really is quite cool. After fid­dling about with the inter­face for a bit, I was able to pull this little bit together. I must have been inspired by the few hours of…

  • Quartet on iPad — Sweet Dream [Video]

    Happy Fri­day! Found this earli­er in the week and decided it’d be per­fect for my cur­rent fas­cin­a­tion with iPad music apps. Four musi­cians play­ing amp­li­fied iPads as a quar­tet. Quite nice! The iPad Orches­tra from Alex Shpil on Vimeo. Oh, and the app they’re play­ing is Seline HD — I’ve not checked it out yet, but…

  • Steve says, “The strongest iPod lineup we’ve ever had.”

    Earli­er today Apple unveiled the new look of the iPod product line, start­ing with the tiny Shuffle and end­ing with a slim­mer and more power­ful iPod Touch. New form factors, new hard­ware and new cap­ab­il­it­ies were evid­ent across the product line, and a few of the iPre­dic­tions turned out to be pretty close to accurate …

  • Ping! Apple’s iTunes just got more social

    While the buzz earli­er this week was all spec­u­la­tion about hard­ware changes and improve­ments, today Steve Jobs and Apple snuck in a poten­tially great enhance­ment to the iTunes eco­sphere — a little thing called Ping. Basic­ally, Ping is Face­book for iTunes. It lives in iTunes, but lets you ‘get social’ with your media. Ping Fea­ture List: Social…