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Hardware hacks — do you do it?

You go out, you buy some tech, and it works. Excel­lent. But haven’t you ever wanted it to do more? For example, your in-home WiFi is kinda weak — router is OK, but you’ve needed more range out of it to reach the oth­er end of your house. That’s a hack, wait­ing to hap­pen. There’s…

5036i65E323395C842537You go out, you buy some tech, and it works. Excel­lent. But haven’t you ever wanted it to do more? For example, your in-home WiFi is kinda weak — router is OK, but you’ve needed more range out of it to reach the oth­er end of your house. That’s a hack, wait­ing to hap­pen. There’s more, and they’re easy, and ‘mostly’ safe 🙂 Though they can carry risks…


This post of is one of many I pub­lish weekly at the Future Shop Techb­log. Read more of my stuff here.







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