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Making music on the iPad

In the pre­vi­ous item I men­tioned that I’d not yet tested out Seline HD, an iPad app. Well, I have now, and yes, it really is quite cool. After fid­dling about with the inter­face for a bit, I was able to pull this little bit together. I must have been inspired by the few hours of…

In the pre­vi­ous item I men­tioned that I’d not yet tested out Seline HD, an iPad app. Well, I have now, and yes, it really is quite cool.

After fid­dling about with the inter­face for a bit, I was able to pull this little bit together.

I must have been inspired by the few hours of The Pil­lars of the Earth we were watch­ing — seems to have a medi­ev­al theme.

One neat thing I loved; you can record and over­dub, so with a bit of patience, you are the orchestra!
bard1.egg by bgrier on Aviarybard1.egg by bgri­er on Avi­ary

Addi­tion­al note: I used the awe­some free online clip / audio edit­or Myna (an Avi­ary tool) to trim the head and tail of the clip so there was no dead space. Cloud audio editing…how cool!
Check out this video / tutori­al of Selene HD for a bit more detail.



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2 responses to “Making music on the iPad”

  1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Blog Post: Mak­ing music on the iPad — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

  2. HowToMakeBeats (How To Make Beats) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    RT @bgrier — Blog Post: Mak­ing music on the iPad — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

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