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Tag: audio

  • This takes the cake: To the audiophile, this $10,000 Ethernet cable apparently makes sense

    Wow. This is some ser­i­ously messed up lan­guage used to describe ‘premi­um-grade’ Audio Eth­er­net cables — yes, you read that right, Eth­er­net cables for the Audi­o­phile mar­ket. My word… All insu­la­tion slows down the sig­nal on the con­duct­or inside. When insu­la­tion is unbiased, it slows down parts of the sig­nal dif­fer­ently, a big prob­lem for very…

  • SoundCloud — Flickr for musicians?

    Recently I’ve star­ted pok­ing around syn­thes­izer and music tech­no­logy on my iPad and desktop com­puter. I’ve not made any­thing note­worthy to share yet, but when I do, I’ll be using Sound­Cloud as one of my medi­ums to share. Like Flickr you say? Sound­Cloud is very much like Flickr — an online des­tin­a­tion where mem­bers upload and share…

  • Making music on the iPad

    In the pre­vi­ous item I men­tioned that I’d not yet tested out Seline HD, an iPad app. Well, I have now, and yes, it really is quite cool. After fid­dling about with the inter­face for a bit, I was able to pull this little bit together. I must have been inspired by the few hours of…

  • If it’s everywhere, is it special?

    Once upon a time, not too long ago, in the lat­ter part of the last cen­tury — say the 60’s and 70’s, con­sum­ing media was clumsy and cum­ber­some. It seemed that you had to make a spe­cial appoint­ment with your hard­ware to listen to the latest band or show some friends your latest pho­tos. You…

  • eRadio? It’s coming.

    By now you’re pretty tired read­ing all the ‘2010 is the year of the eBook’ art­icles out there. But what about eRa­dio? It’s more pre­val­ent but do you even know what it is? …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post…