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Offline, yet intune!

If you were look­ing for my weekly ‘This is the week that was’ post, please accept my apo­lo­gies — I was camp­ing in the wilds of cent­ral Alberta with nary a cell tower with­in range. Which means I was off­line for 3 days. Which was actu­ally kind of cool and refresh­ing because it ties in quite…

If you were look­ing for my weekly ‘This is the week that was’ post, please accept my apo­lo­gies — I was camp­ing in the wilds of cent­ral Alberta with nary a cell tower with­in range. Which means I was off­line for 3 days.

Which was actu­ally kind of cool and refresh­ing because it ties in quite nicely to the sub­ject this post…


This post of is one of many I pub­lish weekly at the Future Shop Techb­log. Read more of my stuff here.







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