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Journalism and Big Media challenges for the future

Last night I happened to catch the CBC Radio pro­gram Ideas. They were play­ing the 2009 Dalton Camp Lec­ture in Journ­al­ism delivered by ex CBC Journ­al­ist and cur­rent Wiki­me­dia Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or Sue Gardner. After a bit of an intro­duc­tion, she gets to the real meat of the mat­ter — how the busi­ness mod­els are work­ing…

Last night I happened to catch the CBC Radio pro­gram Ideas. They were play­ing the 2009 Dalton Camp Lec­ture in Journ­al­ism delivered by ex CBC Journ­al­ist and cur­rent Wiki­me­dia Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or Sue Gardner.

After a bit of an intro­duc­tion, she gets to the real meat of the mat­ter — how the busi­ness mod­els are work­ing (or not) and some chal­lenges to be faced as we move fur­ther away from the old way of doing things in the media business.

And it’s an excel­lent listen (and a good oppor­tun­ity for me to test embed­ding pod­casts in my blog too).

[wpau­dio url=“” text=“2009 Dalton Camp Lec­ture in Journalism”]


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