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Chuck Norris — eat your heart out.

You know, I’m thinkin’ Chuck Nor­ris could learn a thing or two from this guy. He’s got pan­ache, gets the girls, does­n’t seem to break a sweat in tight situ­ations, and occa­sion­ally drinks beer. Hat Tip to Larysa at Click­free 🙂

You know, I’m thinkin’ Chuck Nor­ris could learn a thing or two from this guy. He’s got pan­ache, gets the girls, does­n’t seem to break a sweat in tight situ­ations, and occa­sion­ally drinks beer.

Hat Tip to Larysa at Click­free 🙂


2 responses to “Chuck Norris — eat your heart out.”

  1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Blog Post: Chuck Nor­ris — eat your heart out. — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

  2. […] in the blank) Man in the World’ videos? She sent me a new one (below) one earli­er today, and this unfor­get­table gem from last week. Steve Nash is the most ridicu­lous man in […]

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