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Tag: fun

  • New Pandemic scenario covers 2013 events

    Cool! The developers of Pan­dem­ic have freely released a slight mod / scen­ario to their amaz­ing coöper­at­ive board game Pandemic. Scen­ario 2: … cov­ers one of the more not­able events in the US this year: the Gov­ern­ment Shut­down. It intro­duces some new ele­ments and changes the way you play Pandemic. Will you be able to save…

  • Aiiee! The Steam Summer Sale is in full swing. Too much temptation.

    Over the last few years I’ve become more of a fan of Steam and a couple of oth­er online deliv­ery ser­vices for my PC gam­ing needs. I can­’t actu­ally remem­ber the last PC game I bought in a brick-and-mort­er store for my desktop. And now, the Steam Sum­mer Sale is reach­ing its mid-point and so…

  • I’m quite enjoying Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol!

    Yep, I’m hav­ing fun with Ace Patrol, as you may have seen in my pre­vi­ous post, it’s a light single/multiplayer, World War I stra­tegic com­bat game. Air­fights con­sist of up to 8 com­batants, four per side, and vary depend­ing on air­craft, pilot skill, and game dif­fi­culty level. Ace Patrol is cur­rently only avail­able for iPad, iPod…

  • To the Mun and back.

    If you’re into the Kerbal Space Pro­gram (as you’ll no-doubt have noticed I am) you’ll appre­ci­ate this video of a trip to Mun and back, set to appro­pri­ate music. The video also shows off some of the really great graph­ics and images pos­sible with this sand­box style game. Fun!

  • Guild Wars 2 Open Beta Weekend Overview

    There are those who eagerly anti­cip­ate online gam­ing events. And then there’s the rest of the world. I kinda fall into the first category. This past week­end I par­ti­cip­ated in such an event — the first Guild Wars 2 open beta test. Basic­ally it was two and a half days of fresh Guild Wars good­ness! But first…

  • I’m Moving to Empire Avenue!

    This likely won’t come as a shock to many of you; I’ve been invited to go work on Empire Aven­ue. Of course, I said yes. Start­ing Thursday, Septem­ber 1st, my role will be, as with any star­tup, kinda fuzzy to begin with. Offi­cially I’ll be the Dir­ect­or of Social and Com­munity Man­age­ment. In real­ity, I’ll be…

  • Not an April Fools Joke: Trainz for iPad

    Ever since the Apple II days, I’ve been a flight sim­u­lat­or geek. I’ve always been inter­ested in avi­ation, but due to my less-than-per­fect eye­sight, a career as a pilot was­n’t in the cards. But that did­n’t dim my interest in avi­ation. And giv­en my interest in com­puters & tech­no­logy, it seemed nat­ur­al that I’d grav­it­ate…

  • A Tale of Two RPGs

    Two cool Fantasy Role Play­ing Games have caught my atten­tion lately on my iPad; The Battle for Wesnoth and Battleheart. Yes, they’re both RPGs, but are so dis­sim­il­ar in their approach and exe­cu­tion that they’re not really tread­ing in each oth­er­’s space, so to speak. Here’s why… It’s Big The Battle for Wesnoth (which I’ll…

  • On the radio…again!

    A couple of weeks ago loc­al realtor and heavy social media maven @ZoomJer and I were inter­viewed by CBC’s Rod Kur­tz about our involve­ment with social media and our upcom­ing ses­sions at Guru Digit­al Arts Col­lege’s Social Media Sat­urday event. Yes, we had fun! Check out our inter­view here… [power­press url=“–09-15-social-media.mp3”]

  • World’s workforce suffers huge productivity loss due to Google

    Earli­er today Google decided to see how much it could influ­ence the eco­nomy and pro­ductiv­ity of first and second world nations by unleash­ing a vir­al online attack against Inter­net-con­nec­ted office work­ers world wide. Ostens­ibly pro­moted as a 30 year anniversary of a clas­sic video game, Google is, in real­ity, bring­ing work­place activ­ity to a crawl. In Canada,…

  • Exactly 1 week ago today [slideshow]

    Exactly one week ago today we were enjoy­ing our last day on Maui, by snorkeling. By our rough count, we man­aged to get in and under the water about every oth­er day — which is pretty good for a prair­ie boy. So, to revis­it the exper­i­ence today seemed a bit appropo, with a slideshow of all…

  • Open the Portal. Discover a new game. Yes it’s free!

    Unless you’ve not been pay­ing atten­tion to the first-per­son-shoot­er or puzzle game genres over the last few years, you’re quite aware of what Portal is. But just incase you fall into that afore­men­tioned cat­egory, let me quote from … …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop…