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Major Tom cover version — official free download available

You’ve likely heard it in the Lin­coln MKZ com­mer­cials, but last night I finally paid atten­tion to the ad and listened… and heard this awe­some ver­sion inbetwixt shows. So obvi­ously I had to find it somewhere. After scour­ing Google videos and all, I’d finally resigned myself to hav­ing to listen to it through this…

You’ve likely heard it in the Lin­coln MKZ com­mer­cials, but last night I finally paid atten­tion to the ad and listened… and heard this awe­some ver­sion inbetwixt shows. So obvi­ously I had to find it somewhere.

After scour­ing Google videos and all, I’d finally resigned myself to hav­ing to listen to it through this track.

Then, good friend and über-track­er-out­door-dude Ranger Bob found the offi­cial down­load of Shiny Toy Guns cov­er ver­sion of Peter Shil­ling’s Major Tom (Com­ing Home).

Update: Embed­ding the flash play­er ver­sion here for instant listen­ing gratification.

Give it a listen, then check out the ori­gin­al in the Peter Shil­ling You­Tube videos. Who wins? I like the new one 🙂



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12 responses to “Major Tom cover version — official free download available”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    This does­n’t sound right to my ear.
    I think the song in the com­mer­cial is Cat Power cov­er­ing Space Oddity, which I can­’t find as a full ver­sion online.

    1. Brad Grier Avatar

      Hi Jeff, thanks for stop­ping by, but I’m sorry to disagree! 

      This is a new com­mer­cial, play­ing on the Major Tom theme. Here’s the ori­gin­al Cat Power com­mer­cial via You­Tube:

      The New one (Shiny Toy Guns) can be viewed here:

  2. Ranger Bob Avatar

    It’s the right ver­sion. I think they likely com­pressed the audio, or did fur­ther bling enhance­ments to the t.v. com­mer­cial one though.

    On my 46th play of it now… and will likely listen to it in the Jeep all the way out to Marsden, SK today.

    After 100 plays.. it will just go into my offi­cial MP3 folder called ‘Jeep Mix’ for the sum­mer when the top comes off. =)

    1. Brad Grier Avatar

      @Ranger Bob: Thanks for the in depth ana­lys­is of the audio on that. I heard the TV ver­sion again and yeah, maybe com­pres­sion or some oth­er swooshy audio effect, as you say.

      Um, you only star­ted listen­ing to it yes­ter­day, and you’ve already clocked up 46 plays? If that were a 45 the grooves would be pokin’ through the oth­er side by now 🙂

  3. Jeff Avatar

    Thanks for the update!
    How am I ever going to keep up on this com­mer­cial stuff with a PVR?

    1. Brad Grier Avatar

      @Jeff: My pleas­ure. PVR’s are very cool…as long as you have the time to watch all the stuff they record! That’s my biggest prob­lem. As for keep­ing up, I think you’re doing fine esp. since you already KNEW that Cat Power did a Major Tom Lin­coln commercial. 🙂

  4. Katharine Avatar

    Shiny! I like the com­mer­cials, and I like the “Major Tom” cov­er, though I think I’m still par­tial to Peter Schilling’s inflec­tions. How­ever, if the ques­tion, “What one-hit won­der was recently covered by Shiny Toy Guns for a Lin­coln com­mer­cial?” comes up at trivia night, I’ll now have the answer, thanks to you. 🙂

  5. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hi Kath­ar­ine,

    I too am par­tial to Peter Schilling’s ver­sion. Actu­ally I like them both. This new Shiny Toy Guns ver­sion for the ‘pop’ feel; Schilling’s for the more ‘dra­mat­ic’ presentation.

    I must check out more of STG from the library…see what they’re about.

  6. Sister Ulicia Avatar
    Sister Ulicia

    The Peter Schilling ver­sion will always have a spe­cial place with me. But I must say I LOVE this ver­sion. I’ve been look­ing for this song ever since I heard it… I’ve lit­er­ally looked EVERYWHERE. I even went as far as I scan through You­tube without find­ing it. Then I just came across this, finally got it and had to post. I can­’t thank you enough for post­ing this! Thank you!! =)

  7. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hi Sis­ter Uli­cia, I’m happy to help. I thought it was a cool ver­sion too and since I had prob­lems find­ing it (until Ranger Bob helped out) I thought I’d try and make it more accessible.

  8. Ranger Bob Avatar

    —– Ori­gin­al Message —–
    From: Lance Taylor
    To: Amer­ica Rob
    Sent: Fri­day, April 24, 2009 7:21 PM
    Sub­ject: Re: Major Tom

    Yer right, Cat Power won’t release it. So, Shiny New Toys is it.

    —– Ori­gin­al Message —–
    From: Amer­ica Rob
    To: Lance Taylor
    Sent: Wed­nes­day, April 22, 2009 6:26 PM
    Sub­ject: Major Tom

    I dare you to find a bet­ter version.

    Cat power, Major Tom.

    Too bad she did­n’t release it.


    Watch quick before it disappears.

  9. Brad Grier Avatar

    Too bad, it too is a cool ver­sion of the tune. Per­son­ally I prefer the Shiny Toy Guns ver­sion, but it’s always nice to have options 🙂

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