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WordPress 2.6 is out — and you’re using it now.

photo cred­it: purple­lime It was a fairly pain­less update (thanks to the Word­Press Auto­mat­ic Upgrade plu­gin), but there were a few quirks I’ve had to address: Avatars. WP 2.6 has much bet­ter sup­port for Avatars (images used to identi­fy authors of com­ments). But, my theme does­n’t nat­ively sup­port them so I’ve had to main­tain use…

Wordpress Plugin for iPhone/iPod touch
Creative Commons License photo cred­it: purple­lime

It was a fairly pain­less update (thanks to the Word­Press Auto­mat­ic Upgrade plu­gin), but there were a few quirks I’ve had to address:

  • Avatars. WP 2.6 has much bet­ter sup­port for Avatars (images used to identi­fy authors of com­ments). But, my theme does­n’t nat­ively sup­port them so I’ve had to main­tain use of the Easy Gravatars plugin.
  • Turbo mode. This is an admin. func­tion, but basic­ally it lets you
    speed up some admin func­tions with Google Gears integ­ra­tion. Gears behind my fire­wall is messy, but I will be try­ing this from more open con­nec­tions in the future.

If you’re inter­ested in see­ing more of the Word­Press 2.6 fea­tures in action, check out this video.

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