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Content Management Solutions: Upcoming series on Gerry McGovern’s web writing masterclass

photo cred­it: visu­alpan­ic *** Update *** Oversite on my part, here’s some links to the art­icles in the series directly: Part One Part Two Part Three Key Mes­sages This brief post is just to let you know that I’ll be tak­ing a road less trav­elled this week by intro­du­cing an inter­view series with a cool…

living well is the best revenge
Creative Commons License photo cred­it: visu­alpan­ic

*** Update ***
Oversite on my part, here’s some links to the art­icles in the series directly:

This brief post is just to let you know that I’ll be tak­ing a road less trav­elled this week by intro­du­cing an inter­view series with a cool co-work­er of mine. She’s cool because she was able to dodge my Zom­bie-brain-eat­ing-beha­viour while enlight­en­ingly (new word alert) enga­ging in an interview.

As you’ve no doubt gathered from the title of this post, we’re talk­ing about her recent vis­it to a Gerry McGov­ern Mas­ter­class on web con­tent man­age­ment. Put anoth­er way, the guru of web con­tent was spill­ing the beans on enga­ging writ­ing for the web…not easy stuff to do!

The series will run for 3 days, and the 4th will have a great sum­mary / key mes­sages doc­u­ment that was pro­duced at the end of the two-day conference.

So if you’ve ever wondered what a Mas­ter­class with Gerry McGov­ern is like, then check in daily. Sign up for the RSS feed (if you’ve not already) to ensure you don’t miss an install­ment. If you’ve read Gerry­’s book ( Killer Web Con­tent ), then some of what we’re talk­ing about will be old hat…but there should be a sur­prise or two in store for you as well.



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