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Absolutely the best explaination of Social Media — Common Craft delivers, again!

A great and simple video explan­a­tion of Social Media. Wiki­pe­dia could­n’t do better 🙂 I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz. Social Media may be the next big thing. What’s it all about? This is Social Media in Plain English. Let’s take a vis­it to Scoopville — a town that’s fam­ous for ice cream. For over 20 years,…

A great and simple video explan­a­tion of Social Media. Wiki­pe­dia could­n’t do better 🙂

I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz. Social Media may be the next big thing. What’s it all about? This is Social Media in Plain English.

Let’s take a vis­it to Scoopville — a town that’s fam­ous for ice cream. For over 20 years, Big Ice Cream Com­pany has been mak­ing high qual­ity ice cream with a big fact­ory in town.

A few years back, the com­pany did focus groups and found out that they could max­im­ize profits by offer­ing three fla­vors: chocol­ate, vanilla and strawberry.



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One response to “Absolutely the best explaination of Social Media — Common Craft delivers, again!”

  1. Matt Avatar

    This is my first time here at your blog and from the looks of this video here it will be a great source for help with the online world. Thanks for the help.

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