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It’s tiny, cool, and giving me an administration headache

Recently we’d picked up an ASUS eee PC as a replace­ment for my ill Com­paq R3200. Well, not really as a replace­ment. You see, any­time we start look­ing into a hard­ware pur­chase, Tess and I review our need for the purchase. To make a long story short, I’m inher­it­ing her cool little Dell M1210, and…

Recently we’d picked up an ASUS eee PC as a replace­ment for my ill Com­paq R3200. Well, not really as a replace­ment. You see, any­time we start look­ing into a hard­ware pur­chase, Tess and I review our need for the purchase.

To make a long story short, I’m inher­it­ing her cool little Dell M1210, and she’s tak­ing the eee PC, after I get it configured…hence the headache.

  1. Wire­less net­work­ing — it seems that the nat­ive Linux install­a­tion (Xan­dros) has chal­lenges. It man­ages wired net­work­ing fine.
  2. Can­’t find SMB / Win­dows work­groups — I’ve got 5 or 6 oth­er wire­less devices eas­ily find­ing my serv­er, but not this one…yet. I’ve not tried it wired yet…that’s next.

But those things aside, it is a very cool little unit, with many pos­sib­il­it­ies. Out of the box it’s a more-than-cap­able web surf­ing and basic office box, using stand­ard open source applic­a­tions. Of course, I want more 🙂

Cur­rently I’m look­ing into set­ting it up to dual boot Ubuntu and Win­dows XP. This will enable great­er com­pat­ib­il­ity with my home net­work (I hope) and with oth­er net­works. We’ll see.

As for the some­what ill Com­paq? Since it’s the back­light that’s gone, I’ve plans to con­vert it to a Win­dows Media Centre box.


4 responses to “It’s tiny, cool, and giving me an administration headache”

  1. Viajero Perdido Avatar
    Viajero Perdido

    A buddy of mine also had an HP laptop with the same prob­lem — a broken back­light. He sent it back for repair.

    They reformat­ted his hard drive. (This is related to the back­light, how?)

    That little incid­ent earned HP/Compaq a per­man­ent spot my S**t List. I’ll nev­er buy from them.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Yeah, I’m still debat­ing on this one. It’s past war­rantee, so I’m temp­ted to find a back­light or trans­former (depend­ing what the prob­lem is) and fix it myself.

    Or just set it up as anoth­er home com­put­ing device…though Win­dows Media Centre edi­tion does­n’t play nice with the Nvidia to Go card in far.

  3. ASUS Eee PC 1000H Avatar

    I have an asus eee pc 1000h and its really very cool. It comes bundled with Win­dows XP and has a big­ger hard drive. Very port­able. I’ve nev­er had any prob­lems with it.

    ASUS Eee PC 1000Hs last blog post..Fake Nokia N95 Mobile Phone

  4. bgrier Avatar

    @ASUS Eee PC 1000H — Indeed. Also a nice unit.

    Weird thing, my Com­paq with the screen issue seems to have solved itself. So I’m back to where I was before, but now with anoth­er laptop. Extra com­put­ing power!

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