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Tag: Windows

  • Music in the Air, music everywhere

    A friend recently turned me on to one cool applic­a­tion that let’s me listen to syn­chron­ized music from all my net­worked devices at the same time. This is likely one of the coolest soft­ware enhance­ments I’ve made to my home listen­ing exper­i­ence in a long time.

  • Saving time with Text Replacement utilities

    I write a lot. Blog posts, pro­pos­als, reports, reviews, email…you get the pic­ture. Often times I end up cre­at­ing new doc­u­ments that share sim­il­ar format or con­tent, and I cut-and-paste from older docs into new­er ones. But I’m lazy, and always look­ing for easi­er ways to get the job done… I’m Lazy Over the past year…

  • Aftermath of a Windows 7 install

    Well I’ve done it again. My desktop was run­ning Win­dows 7 Release Can­did­ate (7100) and on March 1st, was set to turn into an über-annoy­ance machine unless I installed a full retail ver­sion of Win7. So I took the plunge… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future…

  • Upgrading from Windows 7 RC to Retail — easily!

    Well, being the cut­ting edge kinda guy that I am, I had the Win­dows 7 release can­did­ate (RC) on my sys­tem from the first day it was released. Of course, that means that I was enjoy­ing all the Win­dows 7 good­ness on my sys­tem, with the know­ledge that I’d even­tu­ally have to upgrade to the…

  • Did the Monkey steal the crown?

    Last year I del­cared Song­bird, the multi-plat­form media play­er and organ­izer the Best Music Play­er Ever. Now, there’s a chal­lenger for the title, at least in the Win­dows / PC arena; Media­Mon­key. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • 3 windows applications improve your desktop’s appearance

    Lately I’ve been try­ing to keep my win­dows desktop icon and clut­ter free. In my case, this has meant that I’ve been sav­ing less to my desktop (my default save-to loc­a­tion) and more to work­ing dir­ect­or­ies. And, since a cluttered desktop reflects a cluttered mind, I like to think of this as a bit of…

  • How to add a network activity monitor to Windows 7

    I like Win­dows 7. But there’s one thing that I noticed miss­ing right off the top, a net­work activ­ity mon­it­or in the Taskbar. Sure, you could ad a gadget/widget thingie to the desktop, but when you’re work­ing on some­thing, odds are you’re at full-screen resoulu­tion and the mon­it­or is behind whatever y ou’re work­ing on. Well,…

  • 7 nifty things about windows 7

    Win­dow 7 has been avail­able at retail for a couple of weeks now, so I thought I’d use this post to explore some of the cool­er fea­tures and func­tions, cool­er to me, at least 🙂 And, of course, when you select fea­tures to pro­file, a nice round num­ber is always a bonus… …more This post…

  • Going back in time with Windows 7

    Ever wish you could undo a par­tic­u­lar driver or applic­a­tion install­a­tion? I have, recently in fact when I installed Adobe CS3 on my wife’s Win­dows 7 /XP dual-boot com­puter. Some­thing happened in that install that pooched the Flash plu­gin for Inter­net Explorer. It could have been a bad scene, except for a cool little fea­ture…

  • Old school dungeon crawling on the iPhone

    Last week Torch­light was released. Future Shop Techb­log­ger Mat­thew Kumar wrote a great over­view of the game. But there was a time, way back in the last cen­tury, when sim­il­ar com­puter games were played without the bene­fit of 3D graph­ic cards, Dolby Sur­round Sound, or mice and gamepad macro pro­gram­ming applic­a­tions. Strap your­self into the…

  • Backups don’t have to be painful

    In a pre­vi­ous post (on my per­son­al blog) about pre­par­ing for your Win­dows 7 install­a­tion, I briefly dis­cussed backups. Aside from the obvi­ous reas­on of hav­ing a copy of your imort­ant stuff stored safely, backups have anoth­er bene­fit; they give you the con­fid­ence to work on your com­puter your­self — not hav­ing to rely on…

  • Snow Leopard makes me switch to Windows XP

    Last week was full of excite­ment by Macin­tosh fans as Apple released the new update to the OSX oper­at­ing sys­tem — Snow Leo­pard. I was inter­ested and took a look at the buzz and the busi­ness side of the release in a post over at the Future Shop Techb­log. Then I rolled up my sleeves…