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Logitech G15 Keyboard upgrade (v1 — v2)

After a lengthy email exchange with Logit­ech cus­tom­er sup­port (star­ted Octo­ber 22, 2007), I’ve just received my replace­ment Logit­ech G15 key­board (affil­i­ate link). The key prob­lem (par­don the pun) was that the black paint on a few of the keys was wear­ing off, allow­ing the back­light­ing to shine through obscur­ing any key let­ter­ing. This key­board was…

Logitech G15 Keyboard (version 1) After a lengthy email exchange with Logit­ech cus­tom­er sup­port (star­ted Octo­ber 22, 2007), I’ve just received my replace­ment Logit­ech G15 key­board (affil­i­ate link).

The key prob­lem (par­don the pun) was that the black paint on a few of the keys was wear­ing off, allow­ing the back­light­ing to shine through obscur­ing any key let­ter­ing. This key­board was around a year old..maybe less.

Now, since I’d star­ted the pro­cess, Logit­ech updated and revised the G15 with:

  • Logitech G15 Keyboard (version 2)Reportedly improved key­board paint
  • Orange back­lit key­board (the first one was blue)
  • Reduced the num­ber of pro­gram­mable Gkeys from 18 to 6(!)
  • Reduced the size of the LCD dis­play by appx. 40% though keep­ing the num­ber of pixels HxW
  • Removed the abil­ity of the LDC dis­play to swivel
  • Removed the volume con­trol wheel

Frankly, I was hop­ing for them to send me anoth­er v1 G15. I was com­fort­able with the desktop foot­print it had (huge), I liked the avail­ab­il­ity of all those pro­gram­mable keys, and I liked the size of the LCD display.

But now I’ve got a v2, and here are my ini­tial impressions:

  • Key depress feel is soft…maybe mushy?
  • Key­board sits dif­fer­ently on my desktop…I have to hunt ini­tially to place my fin­gers on the home row properly
  • Key­board foot­print is smal­ler. I like this. I now have more desktop space for my mouse and Wacom Bam­boo tab­let.
  • LCD Dis­play is very slightly out of align­ment in it’s hous­ing. Not too notice­able, but when I do it’s a minor annoyance.
  • The key­board drivers and soft­ware were easy to install and setup
  • Logit­ech main­tained com­pat­ib­il­ity with LCD­Stu­dio, so my cus­tom dis­plays run properly
  • Not sure I like the smal­ler LCD display…we’ll see how it goes.
  • I *think* I’ll like the orange back­light. It seems to glare less.
  • The volume but­tons work ‘ok’, but the wheel seemed nicer — like the wheel on an iPod. Upside is I can still use the wheel/spot on the Wacom Bamboo 🙂
  • Mar­ket­ing: the Box and some online lit­er­at­ure do NOT men­tion that the key­board has 2 USB ports. I was wor­ried because the v1 G15 does have these, and I did­n’t want to lose the abil­ity to plug in thumb drives..etc.
  • Am I miss­ing the extra 12 macro keys? I’m not sure yet. The key­board lay­out is dif­fer­ent, but since I also have a Nos­tromo n52 key­board, I’m sure I can map any miss­ing func­tion­al­ity over to it.

Con­clu­sion: For now I’d say I’m sat­is­fied. The pro­cess took a while, I’m not con­vinced the paint on this key­board will last bet­ter than the last. The reduced LCD dis­play size could be an issue…but I’ll reserve judge­ment on it for now…and I think I like the orange backlight.



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7 responses to “Logitech G15 Keyboard upgrade (v1 — v2)”

  1. Katharine Avatar

    I just ordered the Logit­ech G11, which lacks the pop-up LCD screen (I don’t need it). We’ll see how it pans out. Thanks for your post about this!

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Cool! That G11 looks awe­some. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

    I’m slowly set­tling into this G15. I miss the hori­zont­al lay­out of the ‘G’ keys…they’re now in a ver­tic­al row, and I’m used to the hori­zont­al. And the screen is a bit smaller…my old eyes need big! 🙂 Also the key feel is a bit more spongy on the new G15…seems less crisp than it did on the older one.

    I also miss the volume wheel. I have one on my Wacom Bam­boo that will do in a pinch, but it was nice hav­ing it on my keyboard..ah well.

  3. […] may remem­ber that I went through a rather inter­est­ing guar­an­tee replace­ment with Logit­ech over the wear­ing paint on my ori­gin­al G15 key­board. The short ver­sion is that they hap­pily replaced it with a new, Ver­sion 2 […]

  4. Foley Avatar

    Hey I am have­ing a prob­lem. I lost my drivers disk for the G15 V2 and I really need them. Do you have any clue of where I can down­load the drivers. I looked on Logit­echs home page, but could­n’t find any.

  5. bgrier Avatar

    Hi Foley,

    Logit­ech cre­ated a bit of con­fu­sion with the G15 v2 by chan­ging its name from G15 Gam­ing Key­board (v1) to G15 keyboard.

    Here’s where I found the drivers…,en

    I hope that helps!

  6. dobs Avatar

    mate all u gotta do is just swap the keys from the v2 and put em in the v1 prob­lem solved

  7. bgrier Avatar

    @dobs — Whoops! This was caught in the spam fil­ter. Sorry..

    That’s an inter­est­ing solu­tion and I may look into yet if the key­caps on the v.2 run into the same problem.

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